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How tight to close doors on Slim Adjustable?

I've noticed on my SS that the "doors" ("doors" - you know what I mean, but help this newbie with terminology - what is the correct word I should use?) .... anyway, I twist them down tight and that is as far as they will go. PERIOD! On my Slim Adjustable I twist them to the same level of tightness, and there is sort of a natural "stop" there, but then I noticed that I can twist them a fair amount further. Am I correct to assume I should stop closing at that first "natural stop feeling place", and not force it any further? Thanks!


My elbows leak
Staff member
I've noticed on my SS that the "doors" ("doors" - you know what I mean, but help this newbie with terminology - what is the correct word I should use?) .... anyway, I twist them down tight and that is as far as they will go. PERIOD! On my Slim Adjustable I twist them to the same level of tightness, and there is sort of a natural "stop" there, but then I noticed that I can twist them a fair amount further. Am I correct to assume I should stop closing at that first "natural stop feeling place", and not force it any further? Thanks!

"Doors" is the right term.

The adjustables have that extra "lock down" quarter turn that is needed.
Just close it normally, then turn the extra quarter turn to lock the doors in place.

Keeps it from coming loose on you and biting.

It can happen with any twist to open, so you have to keep that in mind while your shaving with the TTO's, but with the adjustables, that extra lock is security so you don't really have to worry about it.
"Doors" is the right term.

The adjustables have that extra "lock down" quarter turn that is needed.
Just close it normally, then turn the extra quarter turn to lock the doors in place.

Keeps it from coming loose on you and biting.

It can happen with any twist to open, so you have to keep that in mind while your shaving with the TTO's, but with the adjustables, that extra lock is security so you don't really have to worry about it.

Thank you, Phil! I just rec'd that razor a few days ago and have only shaved with it once. I'm positive I DID NOT have it twisted that last quarter turn, and I wasn't very impressed at all with the quality of the shave - I'm guessing that it's certainly possible it was due to not having the doors closed properly. I'm hoping that was it, because I really WANT to like this razor!
With a TTO style razor you turn the knob to the "locking point" to hold the razor in place and it is the same place every time.

On a 1-9 adjustable, "that point" is at 1 of 9 different heights. To lock the blade down spring pressure is applied in that last "quarter turn". If you look close, set the razor on one then turn the TTO knob till you feel first contact. Now turn it that last bit...around a quarter turn, maybe a little less. Now change the setting to nine and repeat. Now you will see that last little bit is almost a half turn. Having the spring transfer the load to the blade allows the locking point to move.
You probably already know this, however just in case you haven't heard, you might try loosening the doors before you adjust the setting on the razor. Once you've set the number, then tighten the doors down, and don't forget to turn it that extra half-turn to lock it in.

I love my slim! I set it at 5, and it gives a DFS every time!
Thank you all! I can see and understand what you have told me here. After my first shave with this Slim Adjustable about a week ago, I wasn't impressed at all - which I now see was due to not having the doors closed all the way - I thought they were, but didn't know about that last 1/4 to 1/2 turn. Well, 5 minutes ago I completed my 2nd shave with this razor, and having it closed properly made a huge difference! I set it on "5" for the whole shave to get an idea of the "middle ground" and it worked very well. I'll probably experiment with different settings on my next few shaves. Thanks again! :thumbup:
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