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How small is a Rooney size 1 anyway?

Eventually (at some point), funds permitting, I will get a Rooney brush. I've decided I need something dense, versatile for soaps and creams, and soft. Rooney size 1 seems to get tons of recommendations and the prices are decent, but I'm a little concerned about the size. So does the Rooney small brush hold a lot of lather? And does anyone have size comparison photos or something? Oh, and are those trimmed tips on the silvertip actually soft?

There are so many options with Rooney it's overwhelming at times.

Thanks guys.


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I like the Rooney Size 1's - good for face lathering, soft, just pick a handle style & a size one works for me. Pictured from left are a Style 1 Size 1, Heritage Alibaba Small/Size1, Style 3 Size 1, and a ProV 1 for comparison. Used the 1/1 this am and had enough lather for 4 passes & a touch-up as always.

Depends on your general prefernce in brushes, I like smaller. If you want to cover chin to eyebrows with one swipe the Size 1 isn't for you ..
Well, while my EJ Large Super has served me well and the little Omega 616 is very soft, neither are dense and I've always been jealous of the pictures some people have of brushes that have lather that looks like whipped cream after just 20 seconds of lathering, of such an immense volume that covers their hand. And it always seems to be a Simpson or Rooney brush that gets those types of results with both hard soaps and creams (I use both regularly).

Thanks for the pictures. They don't seem too small at all.
I have the Rooney 1/1 (the one on the far left in Gary's photo), and also a huge Shavemac (like 28mm). I can tell you that I never use the incredibly dense and soft Shavemac, which would paint the side of a two story house in one swipe. It's just too large. The Rooney 1/1 is perfect. It lathers up quickly (I always face lather), and is great for both creams and soaps. Get it; you won't be disappointed.
I've got to be honest - I've always said I prefer smaller brushes, but I tried a Rooney 1/1 and found it to be too small for me. Maybe it was the handle, though. Just couldn't get used to it.
Here is a picture from the Vintage Blades website, which shows the 1/1, 1/2, 1/2, 2/1, 3/1, 3/2, & 3/3

I just measured, from the brush standing to about the highest point of the brush in the center of the bristles it's just a tad over 3.5 inches, like 3.6-3.7 to be exact.


B&B membership has its percs
Is it me, or does the Alibabi have the narrowest bloom, the Style 3 the next narrowest, and the Style 1 the widest?

Not just you, the blooms progress as you describe them from the Alibaba (newest & least used) to the 1/1 (oldest & most). Also, the Alibaba is a 20 mm knot, the bookends are both 22's I dink
Trimmed tips? What makes you think they are trimmed?
I seem to remember reading that they were. I must be mistaken, then.

In any case, it looks like when I decide to get another brush, it'll be a size 1, style 3.
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I seem to remember reading that they were. I must be mistaken, then.

In any case, it looks like when I decide to get another brush, it'll be a size 1, style 3.

That the one I have in super, and I've never regretted its purchase. It's great for face lathering soaps, and despite its small size really holds plenty of lather.

Good luck,

To those who have the 3/1, is it densely packed?

Yes, dense and firm. If you lather soaps on your face, this brush is a must have. Really - it's my best shaving purchase 3 years in. If you don't like it, it'll fly off the B/S/T forum.

To all, is this a good brush to start off with? I use Proraso cream and Cade SS and a VDH brush. I was thinking a little cheaper but the Rooney seems to have a good following. I actually like my VDH but thinking about an upgrade.
I don't know why so many people like small brushes, unless they are traveling salespeople or have small faces. What you want is a big brush (24mm+ knot). It will lather like no tomorrow and you don't have to keep loading the brush if you do multiple passes. Plus the lather a big brush generates is amazing.
I don't know why so many people like small brushes, unless they are traveling salespeople or have small faces. What you want is a big brush (24mm+ knot). It will lather like no tomorrow and you don't have to keep loading the brush if you do multiple passes. Plus the lather a big brush generates is amazing.

To me, I prefer a small brush for the following reasons:

The luxury of a fine badger brush is the feel of the soft bristles upon your face, thus a smaller brush allows for more swirling and lathering upon your face. A large brush takes up too much real estate on your face to do this effectively without getting lather all over your nose, ears, etc....
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