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How often do you shave?

Is it normal to have very little beard growth by the next day after a properly done shave? I tend to not have much stubble in the evening and very little the next morning. If I have too little hair growth, can I irritate my skin by shaving without enough stubble present? I don't like to be unshaven too long, but I don't want to look like I use a belt sander on my face.

I don't press down and let the razor apply the pressure. I believe my angle is good because I hear the whiskers getting cut when I have them. I mainly get the irritation on my neck from the atg pass. I would only do one pass but it feels rough after only one wtg pass. Would doing two wtg passes on my neck be better than one wtg and one atg?



I got moves like Jagger
I shave daily, sometimes twice.
Whisker growth varies. Some of my friends have in a week what I have after one day. For your neck, try an XTG instead of an ATG, or just go with some mixed WTG/XTG angles.
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I shave almost every day, but I don't get three passes in more than three or four times a week; some days after a particularly BBS shave, a one-pass touch-up is more than ample for me.
I tend to shave six days a week. I usually do three passes: WTG, XTG, XTG (other direction). I find that doing WTG and ATG results in the same problem you are having: too much irritation after daily shaves. It does take a little longer to do three passes instead of two, but if it cuts down on the irritation, I'd say it is worth it. The third pass also ensures I get a BBS shave every time.

I'm pretty new to wet shaving, so when I first started I assumed WTG was north to south, XTG was diagonally towards my chin, and ATG south to north. I was getting really bad irritation even with only two passes (of what I thought was) WTG.

A wise B&B member suggested I let my beard grown out for a few days and then pay close attention to the direction of growth. Take the time to run your fingers across the hair in every direction so you get a true sense of growth direction.

Turns out for me WTG is actually diagonally towards my shoulders for my neck and cheek, and then towards my chin as I got closer to my mouth and chin. :confused1

Everyone's growth is different, so if you haven't mapped your beard growth, that might be a good place to start. (Judging by your join date, you may already know this, so please ignore if this is old and/or repetitive info.)
I usually shave 2-3 times per week. My skin gets razor burn if I shave every day. Im hoping some different blades will help with this issue.
Every other. I have lighter hair so I don't get the shadow on day 1. I can feel stubble, but I still look relatively clean shaven. Buy the end of day 2, I def need a shave. I don't think I could really shave every day due to my sensitive skin anyway.
(Judging by your join date, you may already know this, so please ignore if this is old and/or repetitive info.)

Just because your new does not mean you have nothing to contribute. It never occurred to me to try two XTG passes. I appreciate the advice. Even someone who has been on the board for a while can't remember everything they have read. I do have a north to south direction in my beard growth. The next time I shave I will have to try two XTG passes, one in each direction. I will have to see if that reduces my irritation.

Shaving every 5th day is my sweet spot for being able to use all of the fantastic wet shaving products I have acquired and having that feeling of satisfaction mowing down a proper beard off your face
I shave my face everyday and my head once or twice a week; more often if I have a mandolin growing on the top of it.
My growth is ridiculous. I do 4+ passes daily on my dome and face. Somedays, I need less but not usually and I get BBS nearly everyday now. I shave in the evening and by morning there is usually stubble grown in.
I shave almost every day. Out of a one week period , I like to give my face a little rest and skip one day.
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