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How often do you check-in to B&B?

How often do you read or post on the boards?

  • Once per day

  • Twice per day

  • Three or more times per day

  • Once per week

  • Two or three times per week

  • Once per month

Results are only viewable after voting.
I'm curious as to how often you guys peruse the forums (actually fora).

PLEASE NOTE-even if you log in once and stay logged on, the question is how frequently you actually read or post on the boards; NOT how often you sign in.
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I check in "many" times but then I'm retired and don't want to miss anything :biggrin1:

That said, I joined the Gentlemen's Restraint Until Christmas and looking seriously at the 2013,thus making it a "training" exercise :blink:

I have to be online 24/7/365 (or as close to it as I can manage) because of my business.


When I am not working, I cruise several forums. B&B is just one of them. So I guess you can say I am on B&B 24/7

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Several times a day because I gladly suffer from PD (posting disorder)!!!

Read More:http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/237088-Alright-I-m-Guilty-and-I-admit-it-I-have-PD!

"I set about looking for a thread, a theme, a style in the realm [of possibility]." Leni Riefenstahl
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I follow several of the forums in my RSS reader, so I'm not sure if that counts as logging in or not. If it does, then probably about a dozen times/day. :thumbup:
I would fall into an "other" category. I will have periods where I check in daily to just read, I will have periods where I'll post daily, and I will have periods of times where I don't come to the site at all.
2-3 times a day but, usually just to see the forum page to see what the latest threads are about. I never go into each forum though.
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