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How much does your preference in razors matter?

After two months and 7 straights, I finally got a very good shave tonight. It was with a Wade & Butcher hollow. My first razor was an extra hollow I had trouble with. Tried a full hollow, a couple of wedges, and a couple of smiling blades. The W&B just feels right, with a great right combination of balance, feedback, rigidity, and forgiveness.

For those with more experience, how much does it matter to you to have the right razor--one that you're really comfortable with?

Also, do you find yourself using more than one razor for different parts of a shave?
I can't get enough of spike points honestly, not for aesthetics, but for use. I actually really like the look of rounded tips, but for my stupid butting out jaw, a spike lets me attack those hidden muttonchops with ease.

Tips aside (razor tips, not the advice kind) yah, you basically just need to find a razor that works for you. The better your razor feels, the more experience you will gather, and the more refined and stable your technique will become. You can then take this and apply it to the other razors which didn't call out to you from the start, maybe even discover something you like more about them after you're over that first hump, or maybe just find out you made a good call on the first razor...

I like jimps too, they rock, again, not so much for looks (they're ok for looks though), then again, easier to shine if they're jimp-free...

hope this helps..
Straight razors are like women: I like almost all of them without stint. Big wedges, little wedges, hollow grinds, framebacks, French ones and German ones, English, American and Spanish. I don't use multiple razors in a single shave. Rather a variety over the course of a week, a month etc.
Like professorchaos, I like them all. For me, its sort of like choosing from a menu as I will select from a variety based on what I am in the mood for or other circumstances such as amount of time I may have to shave.
Straight razors are like women: I like almost all of them without stint. Big wedges, little wedges, hollow grinds, framebacks, French ones and German ones, English, American and Spanish. I don't use multiple razors in a single shave. Rather a variety over the course of a week, a month etc.

What better answer could you ask for? :biggrin:
Let me rephrase...

Uhm.. How do I say this? Are you monogamous, and how do you choose a good woman? :wink2:

The funny thing is, this way of looking at it makes too much sense.
Once you've got some experience under your belt I think it doesn't matter much; the most important thing is that it's sharp.

Some razors are a bit long and have somewhat of a tendency to nick me, some are a bit heavy and large and are more prone to giving me a bit of burn. But as long as it's sharp you should be able to get a great shave out of it.

I think a lot of the strong preferences that new guys are prone to, are really due to insufficient sharpness, and insufficient experience to recognize that this is the real problem, and not the grind or manufacturer or $$$.
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