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How much do NOS Filies go for?

Seen a few Doble Temple's on fleabay in mint condition, inc. original outer box. Totally unused - still in wrappers.

How much would I expect to pay for one of these (less than a day left and over a $100 already). And how do they compare to say a Dovo which can be picked up for a lot less?

I really like the look of these Filie's especially the square point one as that is what I'm used to (not too square, just slightly rounded so as not to dig)

In all, just how do these compare to other straights? I know they are recognised as a decent razor and don't want to pass up a bargain especially as they aren't made any more (AFAIK) and in new condition. (I've seen used ones go for a few quid)

I'm after one I can use as a daily shaver that will last me a long time - might as well get a decent straight now, and improve my technique with a good one. I'll also be sending it off if I get it to have it honed (my attempts are good enough for me with my Kropp but I wouldn't want to ruin a decent razor)

(pic inc. off fleabay ad)

Cheers folks

There is a Medallon Tourino going for $227 so far (I'm in £ but more folks here will be using $ so I'll post in that for you's lot)

Might have to look for something else - like a Dovo if that's the case. They're supposed to be pretty good but no idea how they compare to a Filie.
I doubt you'll find any bargains. Right now, Fillies are priced quite high and are much sought after. They are fantastic razors. I have two, a Filly #13 exactly like the one in your pic, and a Filly #14 Especial. Both are superb. Once in a while, a nice NOS Filly will go for a reasonable price, but not very often.

Maybe I shouldn't hold my breath then. I saw a very nice Henckels Friodur (mint, new) go for $159. Would have had a bash but for the price and it was stain less with a very sharp point)
Hmm, think they are both going out of my price range (there's a round point as well) both still have 20 hours to go as well..
Yeah they are rather expensive these days. There are other razors that are just as good that can be had for less, so that's what I'm sticking with.
I've had few of various sizes and points and I have kept the one that I like best - got it rescaled in ebony too, so I don't really worry about what other people pay for them nowadays.
Yeah they are rather expensive these days. There are other razors that are just as good that can be had for less, so that's what I'm sticking with.
I've had few of various sizes and points and I have kept the one that I like best - got it rescaled in ebony too, so I don't really worry about what other people pay for them nowadays.

I bought one, I have not used it yet. It NOS #13 as well. Perfect condition. Still sharp I bought it for $100. Probably the only razor I would spend that much money on at the moment.
I got my #13 for 140 NOS, I have seen the #14 Especial go for 300+.
There was one very nice Taurino recently that sold for close to 450
Prices vary a lot, and if you are lucky you can grab a good #13 for ~100.
Well, I didn't bid on them (they were out of my price range)
The #13 round point and square point both went for $189.50 each (bit funny that considering different number of bids for each one)
190342821139 and 190342816936 if you want to look them up, bargains I say if you have the money.
Also the Filarmónica, "Medallón Taurino" went for $270. This was a really nice razor but way out of my price range.
190342811098 for those interested.

I've seen a few more razors I'm keeping my eye on so might end up with something nice for a lot less.. :001_smile
Much about straight razor collecting is a game of patience. If you're willing to put in a little time and wait a couple of months you can often end up getting what you want without having to pay a fortune.
Take a look at the completed auctions. Prices are variable. I picked up one recently for $140. Granted, not the first one I bid on, but, persistence can pay off.
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