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How many times do you use the same blade in your DE razor?

How many complete shaves per blade (ON AVERAGE)?

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7 or more

  • What is this nonsense? I use a straight razor like a real man should.

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First of all, I know that there are so many factors to take into account;
- the brand of the blade,
- the type of your beard and skin,
- how chea...frugal you are,
- etc.

BUT, If you had to come up with an average of how many complete shaves you do with the same blaze in your razor before you toss it...what would it be?
Two uses... Tops.

I shave my head and face so that accounts for at least 1.5 shave per head shave.

So, I'd say 5.
I used to be a 3 days and out guy. Bet then, I started just pitching the blade when it started to feel significantly dull, or tugged. Now, I routinely get 10+ shaves - often more than this. I use Feathers almost exclusively. My beard is not terribly fast growing, but it is pretty rough. It's a sandpaper sort of feel after 24 hours. The key to extending blade life is a good hot rinse, keeping the blade dry (blow it off after use), and using a shallow blade angle. Steep angles wear out blades very quickly due to forces being applied perpendicular to the edge, rather than parallel to it, resulting in scraping the hair, instead of cutting it straight on.
For me it depends on the blade. For a Feather it's 2 shaves. For the Personna Reds and Lords it's 4 shaves. For the Personna Labs or Med Prep blades it's five.
I've been doing 3 since I started, but I am pretty sure I can do more. Though right now I'm trying different blades out, and I want to move on to new things soon! Maybe once I settle down on a blade that I like, I'll experiment with how long I can go with one, and stretch any following blades out to that number.

My justification for using a blade only 3 times so far is that even if I'm tossing them early, I'm still saving money anyway by having switched from carts to DE!
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With the Personna Labs I've been using I usually get 4 or 5, but I just got in some English Wilkinson blades so hopefully I will now be getting about a hundred per blade like Turtle does.:thumbup:
With Astras I would change every three days. With Personna Labs I changeout before my Saturday evening shave.
Polsilver SI - 1 week (7 days). I Have 2500 blades,but there is no need to change the blade more often after shave still excellent.
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