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How many good shaves with a Spoiler?

For any of you that use Gillette Spoilers, how many good or acceptable shaves do you usually get in before you switch blades?
I thought I read recently that they last almost as long as the Personna 74s, is that not the case? I hit number 10 this morning, not as close as the first few maybe but it was still a smooth, pain free shave with pretty good results. I've only used a few of these and never had gone this far on one blade before.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
A spoler can last quite a long time. Back when they were in production, I used them regularly. I never got a weak shave from a Spoiler. I changed the blade every week but that was just habit. I wasn't even trying to get every shave possible from a blade, because they were cheap and available everywhere.
I did six Spoiler shaves last week, and they were all perfect. I have no doubt it could have gone another week in my Slant, but I wanted to try something else.
Back when I used them exclusively I would consistently get 2 weeks (14 shaves) out of each blade
I've used the same spoiler since 1975. Around 12,000 shaves so far...though it does tug a little sometimes......


All joking aside, I get about 6 to 7 solid shaves, which for me is about double any other blade.
I've used the same spoiler since 1975. Around 12,000 shaves so far...though it does tug a little sometimes......


All joking aside, I get about 6 to 7 solid shaves, which for me is about double any other blade.
Get yourself a magnet or a pyramid and it should last another 37 years.
I thought I read recently that they last almost as long as the Personna 74s, is that not the case? I hit number 10 this morning, not as close as the first few maybe but it was still a smooth, pain free shave with pretty good results. I've only used a few of these and never had gone this far on one blade before.

They certainly can last a long time. If you're willing to accept a certain loss of sharpness and maybe supplant a standard 2-pass shave with a 3rd pass or maybe an attentive touch-up pass, I'd imagine that the blade could go for quite awhile. In general, I shave every other day and one spoiler can get me almost all the way through a month before I start to feel that it isn't cutting as well as it should. Some guys seem to wear blades out really fast. I don't think I'm in that category -- either that, or I can tolerate edge degradation more than others.
-- Chet
I finally switched it out after 14 shaves. The shaves were dropping in quality the longer I went.
I can get about 6-7 and my beard (old and gray, like mowing bamboo) usually destroys a blade in 3. I can get the same(6-7) out of a Plus Platinum.

It's just that at fifty cents to a dollar a piece, 2-3 GREAT shaves out of a 12 cent Voskhod makes a heck of a lot more sense.

Of course I never listen to my own advice and buy Schicks, Spoilers, Swedes, Polsilvers and Super Iridiums every chance I get :a6:
I got a pack of spoilers a few weeks ago, not sure why I waited so long to give vintage blades a try but glad I finally did. First shave was good, 2&3 were a little rough around my neck line, 4 was better and shave 5 tonight was the smoothest shave I've gotten out of a blade in my 4 years of wetshaving. I'm going to push it as long as it will go...
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