Seems there are countless Gillete branded blades out there what are all the different Gillette branded DE blades in current production?
The is also the 'Back in Production' Gillette Platinum
And any info on "same blade, different packaging" would be helpful. For example: Gillette 7oc Blue wrapper and 7oc Black wrapper.....both say "Super Platinum"...same blade?
and 7oc Green is Permasharp is Super Stainless......same blade?
The Blue and Black 7O'clocks are Gillette Super Platinums, and the difference is that they are made in different factories in different countries. The Blacks are from Gillette of India, vs the Blue Super Platinums which are made in St. Petersburg, Russia. Same with the 7O'clock Greens --India vs St.. Petersburg. There might be minute differences, but realistically they are equivalent products. All of the 7O'clock offerings are excellent.
-- John Gehman