I started out wet-shaving using the Wilkinson Sword blade 10-pack from Walmart. I got to the last blade and quickly ordered the 'everything' blade sampler from West Coast Shaving.
I got the package and opened the first brand of blades- a 5 pack of Derby Platinums. The first couple days were good, closer than the Wilkinsons. The fifth day it tugged and pulled like crazy, which I wasn't expecting. The Wilkinsons were a decent shave, not as close as the Derbys, but they had greater endurance... I could get 7 days easy out of the Wilkys. I actually went longer once because I just forgot to replace the blade.
The Derbys also seemed to cause more nicks... which could be my fault, since I am still refining my technique. But I did have significantly less with the Wilkinsons... I could go a shave or two without any. With the Derbys I had at least one or two pinhole nicks every shave minimum, even if they went away with the cold water rinse & AS Balm... I did have to take out the styptic pen a couple times over the 5 days.
So yesterday's shave I loaded up a Lord blade... partially because I wasn't super impressed with the Derby's, because that day 5 shave was awful, and because I am impatiently excited to try all the blades in the sampler!
Anyway, how many blades from a new package do people use before giving up on a brand?
I know it will be different for everyone... I was feeling guilty half way through my Lord shave that I already gave up on the Derby Platinums, maybe I had a dud blade? I know a lot of people replace blades every 5 shaves... so the endurance issue may be in my head. But day 5 was terrible, and it was a lot of weepers...
There were 5 blades in the pack... should I try every one before moving on? Or do people here know when it just isn't working? And also, for people that found "their" blade, did you know with the first blade it was perfect for you?
Thanks in advance for your opinions. Cheers!
I got the package and opened the first brand of blades- a 5 pack of Derby Platinums. The first couple days were good, closer than the Wilkinsons. The fifth day it tugged and pulled like crazy, which I wasn't expecting. The Wilkinsons were a decent shave, not as close as the Derbys, but they had greater endurance... I could get 7 days easy out of the Wilkys. I actually went longer once because I just forgot to replace the blade.
The Derbys also seemed to cause more nicks... which could be my fault, since I am still refining my technique. But I did have significantly less with the Wilkinsons... I could go a shave or two without any. With the Derbys I had at least one or two pinhole nicks every shave minimum, even if they went away with the cold water rinse & AS Balm... I did have to take out the styptic pen a couple times over the 5 days.
So yesterday's shave I loaded up a Lord blade... partially because I wasn't super impressed with the Derby's, because that day 5 shave was awful, and because I am impatiently excited to try all the blades in the sampler!
Anyway, how many blades from a new package do people use before giving up on a brand?
I know it will be different for everyone... I was feeling guilty half way through my Lord shave that I already gave up on the Derby Platinums, maybe I had a dud blade? I know a lot of people replace blades every 5 shaves... so the endurance issue may be in my head. But day 5 was terrible, and it was a lot of weepers...
There were 5 blades in the pack... should I try every one before moving on? Or do people here know when it just isn't working? And also, for people that found "their" blade, did you know with the first blade it was perfect for you?
Thanks in advance for your opinions. Cheers!