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How long was it until you started to get a consistent shave with your straight razor?

I have been straight shaving for the last two weeks (maybe a day off here or there when I couldn't stand it) :eek: but I wanted to learn by diving in. Anyway I am starting to finally see some good results!! :smile: My face is starting to adapt (I think) and I have found out about some wonderful products like witchhazel which I have used the last two day and I absolutely love!!!:w00t:

No I am sure I am not out of the woods yet, so I wanted to see how long it took you guys to learn the game.

So here is the question of the day...

How long was it until you started to get a consistent shave with your straight razor?
I think it was somewhere around 2 weeks for me. It will continue to get better. But at around 2 weeks, I was confident shaving before work and not only being adequately shaved, but adequately blood-free as well. Now, I've been shavng with a straight for two years, and there are few surprises, although every now and again I will find a subtle change that makes the experience nicer.

I'd say it took me a little more time, perhaps a month before I was 100% confident, partly because I had to have cataract surgery shortly after I began using a straight. I find now that I'm not only more adept at it now, but I use the straight more often now, and I think soon it'll be all I use.

For me, I would say about a month. I don't use a straight every day, and that would explain part of the learning curve.

For myself it was two weeks. Add another 3 - 6 months to consistently achieve bbs results.
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