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How Long Does Your BBS Last?

I know this question has a lot to do with personal hair growth traits, but I was just curious...

How long does your BBS last? I start to feel stubble (not a 5 o'clock shadow or anything) in about five hours.
If I do a 3 pass (W / X / A) and then a 4th jhook pass on my jaw line, I'll be BBS till about 3:30 PM, so about 6 and a half hours. I'll have visible stubble again by 8:00 the next morning.
As long as I tell it to last. :tongue: No, not really, but pretty close - with a straight razor, it lasts about 32 hours. When I shave with a DE, I feel stubble in 7-8 hours.
...with a straight razor, it lasts about 32 hours. When I shave with a DE, I feel stubble in 7-8 hours.

Wow, that's a huge difference. Personally, I get BBS on my cheeks and occasionally around the chin with a little blade-buffing. My skin has fewer problems if I don't try for BBS all over. Lately I've been trying to shave a little closer on my neck, more reduction passes and a little bit of ATG.
If I pull out all the stops, 20-24 hours. I usually choose not to shave on the following day, if anything I clean up the upper lip and soul patch and let the beard rest for a day before going at it again.

(This is the problem with BBS, cuts my spw--shaves per week--in half :crying:)
Usually about 8-10 hours on cheeks, a little less on the chin and stache area. By the next morning its time to shave again.
The next morning, I can feel it, but it isn't really visible.
It is about what a fresh shave off a cartridge razor is like for me.
Straight razor here too.
With a DE, I could/should shave the next day(even with a Fatboy cranked to 9)
I just answered this in another thread, but:

10 hours of a true BBS face, and I still look pretty much BBS but you can feel hair until about 18 hours, then until 24 you can see a bit in my mustache area and neck but cheeks still look fine. At 24 hours I have a general all-over sort of light hair and it's time to shave again!
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I still have to experience my first BBS which will always be shaving Nirvana to me I guess. :crying:
Even on my best shaves you can see the shadow unfortunately.
My BBS shaves usually last about 12 hours then you can feel stubble. The next morning their isn't much stubble to shave off.
little under 2 hours can feel stubble popping up on neck and just under 2 and a half hours start to feel it on my face.
Five hours for a DE shave, so no good for evening shaving with them.
But with a GEM if I shave in the evening, I'm good until 10-12 the next day, so 13 hrs until it's stubbly enough that I feel like shaving again.

I'm talking bad enough to want to shave again, not just feeling the slightest of stubble but almost visible. If you were counting when you feel the slightest of stubble, thats 2h-3 hours.
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BBS I have no idea because Im asleep, but at least 5 hours. The next morning I can generally feel stubble but not see it.

I could shave every other day and still be pretty presentable, but I choose not to.
As long as I tell it to last. :tongue: No, not really, but pretty close - with a straight razor, it lasts about 32 hours. When I shave with a DE, I feel stubble in 7-8 hours.

I keep reading these fantastical claims that a BBS shave from a straight razor lasts from 24-48 hours. How is this possible?
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