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How long does it take you to shave?

I searched for a thread about this topic but didn't find one surprisingly.

I was on this thread http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/331690-Thinking-of-giving-up and it got me to thinking "how long does it take me to shave exactly". So I timed myself. At the moment my straight is out of commission so I'm shaving with a DE (much faster obviously). I wash my face beforehand. I don't soak my brush, I just wet it (never even heard of the notion of soaking the brush until the other day). I'm picking up the later from a shaving-soap-and-wooden-bowl and then lathering on my face. Two WTG passes (lathering in between obviously). On the second pass I'm making sure to get the trouble-some spots (in my case I've got a weird "starburst" in my grain on the right-hand-side of my face). That is the way I've been shaving for ages now. I've never particularly intended that it would be a fast shave - that's just what I'm comfortable with. Although I wouldn't be pursuing quite the same level of BBS that I think many of the members aspire to. I've come to wet-shaving from an electric and for me it beats the pants off an electric in terms of smoothness even if I'm not quite BBS. So I'm entirely-happy not to bother with any ATG passes or anything like that.

So - I noted the time on my phone, left it outside the bathroom and tried to shave at my usual speed. My usual speed is "I enjoy this but I'm not unconscious of time either - I do have to go to work after this". Finished the shave, recovered the phone to find that the entire shave and cleanup had only taken seven minutes. I must admit this was considerably less than I'd thought it would be. (And very considerably less than it would take me with the straight-edge I think)
I'm intrigued - how do you heat the towel? I was under the impression you'd need some manner of doohicky to make the towel hot enough to qualify as a hot towel. I never heard of giving oneself a hot-towel shave at home. That sounds like it'd be something luxurious for the weekend that I might consider doing.
3 passes: WTG, XTG, and ATG. lathering inbetween passes, hot and cold water rinse at the end followed by WH and AS, usually takes me between 10 and 15 minutes.
I'm intrigued - how do you heat the towel? I was under the impression you'd need some manner of doohicky to make the towel hot enough to qualify as a hot towel. I never heard of giving oneself a hot-towel shave at home. That sounds like it'd be something luxurious for the weekend that I might consider doing.

I used to just boil the kettle, but a small towel or face cloth in the sink and then pour the boiling water over it. Then I'd make my lather and by the time it was done the towel would be roasting hot! I'd have to wave it about to cool down a touch first though.
I'm intrigued - how do you heat the towel? I was under the impression you'd need some manner of doohicky to make the towel hot enough to qualify as a hot towel. I never heard of giving oneself a hot-towel shave at home. That sounds like it'd be something luxurious for the weekend that I might consider doing.

I heated water on the stove, then carried the pan into the bathroom to dip my towel in. That did have a noticeable effect on softening the beard. Hot tap water works too.
It depends, usually I take my time to relax and taking everything slow, then I spend 25-30 minutes on a shower and a 2-pass straight shave, but if I'm just aiming for a quick shave I can get by with a face wash and a 2 pass shave in about 8-10 minutes.
DE, 10 - 30 minutes depending on the situation. Average for a normal 3 pass shave with touch up and post shave routine is 15 - 20 minutes.
I'm intrigued - how do you heat the towel? I was under the impression you'd need some manner of doohicky to make the towel hot enough to qualify as a hot towel. I never heard of giving oneself a hot-towel shave at home. That sounds like it'd be something luxurious for the weekend that I might consider doing.

Wet the towel and give it 2 minutes in the microwave oven.
No idea. I don't time myself and don't care either how long it takes. If I wanted speed I'd go with an electric.
Weekdays I take 20 minutes to do 2.25 passes (WTG, XTG and ATG just on my upper lip and chin). This includes time to build the lather, applying Alum Bloc and cleanup everything. My prep is just a hot shower (not counted in the 20 minutes). This gives me a close comfortable shave.

On weekends I do a more leisurely 3 passes WTG, XTG, ATG plus some buffing if required. Including lather building, alum application and cleanup I can take around 30 minutes. This gives me a DFS. True BBS just isn't possible for me, but I'm not fussed anymore.

edit: forgot to mention this is shaving with a DE, and bowl lathering
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I had hoped by now I'd be faster, but still working on technique. DE shave, bowl lather, pre and post shave is a solid 20 to 30 minutes.


depends the pre shave and post but usually 40 mins with straight, with DE takes 20 min
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