I searched for a thread about this topic but didn't find one surprisingly.
I was on this thread http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/331690-Thinking-of-giving-up and it got me to thinking "how long does it take me to shave exactly". So I timed myself. At the moment my straight is out of commission so I'm shaving with a DE (much faster obviously). I wash my face beforehand. I don't soak my brush, I just wet it (never even heard of the notion of soaking the brush until the other day). I'm picking up the later from a shaving-soap-and-wooden-bowl and then lathering on my face. Two WTG passes (lathering in between obviously). On the second pass I'm making sure to get the trouble-some spots (in my case I've got a weird "starburst" in my grain on the right-hand-side of my face). That is the way I've been shaving for ages now. I've never particularly intended that it would be a fast shave - that's just what I'm comfortable with. Although I wouldn't be pursuing quite the same level of BBS that I think many of the members aspire to. I've come to wet-shaving from an electric and for me it beats the pants off an electric in terms of smoothness even if I'm not quite BBS. So I'm entirely-happy not to bother with any ATG passes or anything like that.
So - I noted the time on my phone, left it outside the bathroom and tried to shave at my usual speed. My usual speed is "I enjoy this but I'm not unconscious of time either - I do have to go to work after this". Finished the shave, recovered the phone to find that the entire shave and cleanup had only taken seven minutes. I must admit this was considerably less than I'd thought it would be. (And very considerably less than it would take me with the straight-edge I think)
I was on this thread http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/331690-Thinking-of-giving-up and it got me to thinking "how long does it take me to shave exactly". So I timed myself. At the moment my straight is out of commission so I'm shaving with a DE (much faster obviously). I wash my face beforehand. I don't soak my brush, I just wet it (never even heard of the notion of soaking the brush until the other day). I'm picking up the later from a shaving-soap-and-wooden-bowl and then lathering on my face. Two WTG passes (lathering in between obviously). On the second pass I'm making sure to get the trouble-some spots (in my case I've got a weird "starburst" in my grain on the right-hand-side of my face). That is the way I've been shaving for ages now. I've never particularly intended that it would be a fast shave - that's just what I'm comfortable with. Although I wouldn't be pursuing quite the same level of BBS that I think many of the members aspire to. I've come to wet-shaving from an electric and for me it beats the pants off an electric in terms of smoothness even if I'm not quite BBS. So I'm entirely-happy not to bother with any ATG passes or anything like that.
So - I noted the time on my phone, left it outside the bathroom and tried to shave at my usual speed. My usual speed is "I enjoy this but I'm not unconscious of time either - I do have to go to work after this". Finished the shave, recovered the phone to find that the entire shave and cleanup had only taken seven minutes. I must admit this was considerably less than I'd thought it would be. (And very considerably less than it would take me with the straight-edge I think)