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How long does customs normally take?

I have a razor in JFK customs that I am dying to get my hands on. How long do they normally take? Its been there since Thursday.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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I have a razor in quarantine at the moment, it's been in there since the 17th September...
In general things go through customs in hours. if they are having a blitz it can be delayed for a day or two sometimes a little more. If its taking weeks that means there is some issue with the razor, maybe ivory scales involving other agencies and that can take a long time. But if its just a plain razor and plain scales and its been there more than 1 week I'd be contacting them.
Its a japanese razor so doesnt even have scales. Its been in JFK since Thursday, and Im in Portland, ME. Im gonna give it another day or two before I call. But who should I call.
In my experience as long as they damn well please. Could be 2 hours could be 2 weeks.

An accurate assessment. I've had packages arrive inconceivably fast from Japan (one might have stretched the laws of physics in nearly arriving in Boston before it left Tokyo) and others take weeks/months coming from Europe. There is just no telling.
They take as long as they care to. There will not be any reasoning either. It is an awful wait when you really want something too it is like they secretly know.
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