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How long does a shave last ..........

before you are in need of another?

I have found that I can get what seems like a DFS to me and then after 12hrs I can feel the stubble coming through again. After 24hrs I just look scruffy. 48hrs? forget about it, I look like Hickory Holler's Tramp :scared:

Does this seem right or is it just that with being a noob, my shaves aren't as close as they could or should be?

For the moment i've been using Derby Extra's but have just switched to a pack of Red IPs (kindly PIFed from HoosierTrooper). I have some Astra's, Feather Blacks and all manner of blades coming shortly that I can try out before settling on a blade to suit me. :w00t:
This is more dependent on your personal beard growth, which varies amongst individuals, rather than strict shave closeness I can get a BBS (or near BBS) in the morning and by 5pm I can feel stubble. Obviously, if you don't get a close shave, your stubble with be more noticeable and will appear sooner. You'll probably see a little more shave longevity as your technique improves but I doubt it will be dramatic.
I don't have a very heavy beard, but I do have dark hair which helps make any stubble that's present more visible. How long a shave lasts depends on which razor I use.

If I use a DE with a Feather blade, an SE, or an injector razor and get a DFS/BBS shave to start, I can go about 15 hours before I can feel stubble and before it becomes visible as five o'clock shadow. The maximum time I can go before shaving again is about 36 hours, although at that point I simply wait for the next day.

If I use a cartridge razor, I'm pretty much guaranteed a DFS+ as a starting point. I can go about 10 hours before I can feel stubble, which becomes visible as five o'clock shadow about 12 hours after my shave. The maximum time I can go before shaving again is about 24 hours.

Based on my results, there's no doubt that I get a better shave with a DE but quite frankly, the only person who probably really notices besides me is my wife. Then again, that's all the reason I need.
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Using my favorite DE and blade, I have a hard time getting a shave that is "BBS" based on feel alone. It's about 12 hours before the growth becomes noticeable again, and 24 hours till I need to shave again.

Using a Trac-II I can usually get a shave thats "BBS" to the touch, but the growth is noticeable again in about 12 hours and I still need to shave again in 24 hours. I also almost always get razor burn from these.

Besides this, I've noticed that if I try to stretch a shave and go 48 hours or so, it's harder to get a clean shave without many passes and some razor burn the next time, so I'm better off to just shave every morning.
After a routine DFS, I can feel stubble, running my fingers ATG in 10-12 hours. But by appearance standards, I still look "shaved." But I do need to shave every day, at least every workday. Saturdays sometimes slip by with a dark shadow forming.
It's been about 20 hours since my last shave and I only feel stubble going ATG. I'm smooth WTG still.

That's the result of a Feather in the DE89L. Remarkable shave. Other blades will give me almost as close of a shave, but not like the Feathers.

When I was still using the Mach 3 or Fusion, I'd get about 8-10 hours before stubble and considerably more irritation.
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Tends to vary. when using a de i can go 8-12 hours and not feel stubble, when using a straight i can go several hours longer before really noticing it.

Been 24hrs after my last shave and while there is stubble it still feels nice.
I can go about 6 hr. with a 2-pass shave, 12 hr. with a 3-4 pass.

If I go for a BBS shave, it can still be good enough to go to the office after 24 hr.
I have to shave every day. When I was using my m3 and goo, it was very itchy not to shave everyday. Whith my Aristocrat, I can shave all week and then not shave all weekend. I am still comforatable. I think it is the way multi-blade carts cut the hair. With a DE it is cut clean and square, but with the cart' the hair is whittled down to a flexible point that you can't feel, but will poke in to you skin as it gets longer(creating ingrown hairs)

just my two cents

36 hours or so, I get a much closer shave then I used to and found that while thick, my beard growth is not as fast as I once thought.
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