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how long do your shaves last?

I know this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything when I searched. I usually am smooth for 8 hours until feeling any noticable stubble. I shave with a DE of course. Just wondering if this was about average.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Depends on the shave.

Usually, half the day before I get patchy but still presentable at the end of the day!
Before I found B&B, if I shaved at 7:30 in the morning I had a noticeable shadow by about 2:30 in the afternoon.

Now, it starts getting really noticeable by about 5:30 or 6:00. My beard grows really, really fast. I don't think it's going to get much better than that.

(I have to clip my fingernails about once every week to 10 days, and I have to get a haircut once a month. Pretty much all the tissues derived from ectoderm are in overdrive for me.)
"Depends on the shave.

Usually, half the day before I get patchy but still presentable at the end of the day!"

About the same for me.

I typically shave at night after my workouts, around 8pm. Near-BBS when I wake up and no visibly noticeable stubble till after lunch the next day.


Wanting for wisdom
I've light skin and dark hair. To me I look like I have 5 O'clock shadow even right after I shave. Feel wise about 8 pm is when my inner weir-wolf begins to emerge.
I don't really try for BBS as that leaves me open for irritation and/or razor burn.

A DFS with my DE will last throughout the day and into the evening. With my straight a close to BBS will last 2 days. :thumbup1:
About 36 + hours. Really 48 but after 36 the chin area starts to grow in first which is a sign that I need to prepare my soap and brush choice.
I shaved at 8 am and it's now noon and still BBS. By six this evening I will be able to feel very faint traces of stubble in the thicker part of my beard.


B&B's Man in Italy
I always shave in the morning, around 7.00 - 7.30 A.M. and my face is smooth and soft all day long.
I add that I make two razor passes (WTH and XTG-ATG) and I usually shave every day using a DE.
BBS for most of the day, more than presentable for the evening. I use straights.

That, and pretty good for most of the next day too thought I'm starting to shave daily now anyway. And I have been using mostly an SE lately. For me it is the best balance between the closeness of a straight and the ease of a DE (and yes, I have used both :tongue_sm)
About 1/2 - 2/3rds of the day. I shave at 0600 but I am going to start doing an evening shave around 1900 as SWMBO complains about the evening stubble. I have a really fast growing beard.
I get about 16 hours with a 10 minuets 2.5 pass shave with either of my slants and a feather loaded..

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