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How do you know if old blades are usable?

I recently acquired a HUGE score of stuff from my wife's uncle (9 Gillette DE handles, 2 straights and more)

Also included were a bunch of old blades, some wrapped in the wax paper stuff, some were not. Gillette blades are still in the metal dispenser deals...

If they don't look all wanged up should they be fine? If they're still wrapped/in their dispensers should they be ok?

Or would it be better to be safe than sorry and not use them?

I've only tried Derby's and would like to try some of these blades out heh...
That was what I was thinking/hoping to be the case.

What about any loose ones either not in wrappers or dispensers? There were some just straight up loose, and others not wrapped but in the plastic dispensers like my Derby's came in. If they also look fine, no knicks/rust, etc... would they be worth a go?
if the blade is still wrapped or in the dispenser and not rusted or damaged it should be ok to use

Not entirely true: whether or not a blade is usable, is directly tied to it's vintage, and what it is made of. A non-stainless steel blade (thus being made from carbon steel) has two issues: 1) It's edge has degraded over time, and 2) The blade even in it's glory days would be considered rough by today's standards (due to the lack of modern day blade coatings).

There are some stainless blades that are wonderful blades, that might even be better than today's stocks, however, carbon steel blades at best are going to provide for a rough shave.
I've been disappointed with all of the vintage blades that I have tried to use.
Probably due to the edge degrading over a long period of time, and the lack of coatings that modern blades have.
Ok, I think most of the Gillette blades are stainless. Not sure about the Blue ones.

They don't look like they're THAT old...

Lots of Wilkinson sword blades. I think some have black and some have blue writing on the wrappers.
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The only Blue blades that may be OK are from the last few years of production in the mid-late '70's, when they put the same PTFE coating on them as the stainless blades.

The old stainless Gillette blades are worth trying.
Would the date stamps be the same as for the handles? The blue blades are marked A2, which would either mean 1955 or 1980.

I don't see any oxidation on them, maybe just a bit dusty. To be safe I think I will first try one of the stainless ones. It looks brand new.
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