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How do you clean in between the scales?

How would one clean the scales on a straight? I have a couple straights from ebay that have some dirt in between the scales that i can't get to. How can i clean them?
Can't get to? Try thin strips of cloth. Cut up your girlfriends panties to get really thin strips. Cut strips off of blue jeans to get thicker strips. See what works, and report back to us.
I use the square type toothpicks after soaking in mild cleaner.(I use greased lightning).One guy says he uses q-tips and smashes the tips flat with a hammer. Dental floss works also and you can even get between the scales and the tang if you're careful.
Can't get to? Try thin strips of cloth. Cut up your girlfriends panties to get really thin strips. Cut strips off of blue jeans to get thicker strips. See what works, and report back to us.

By can't get to i mean the area that the blade rests inside the scales. I'll try the qtip method and the cloth strips. Thanks
Just run a cloth through it if it isn't more than dust or if there is a little more tougher stains try Q-tips with a little MAAS and that works really well.


Can't get to? Try thin strips of cloth. Cut up your girlfriends panties to get really thin strips. Cut strips off of blue jeans to get thicker strips. See what works, and report back to us.
Seriously? I was surprised there wasn't a punch line following this.

Another option for cleaning at the pivot pin is dental floss.
I use an ultrasonic cleaner. For stubborn grime I may use a q-tip. I've also tried take a little bit of steel wool and pulling a thin piece of it back and forth through the middle of the scales.
I use Q-tips (sometimes with the majority of the cotton pulled off to make it fit), cloth, and sometimes some 1000+ grit sandpaper, rolled up. you can really get off some gunk using sandpaper..sometimes if its really stubborn I'll start at 320 grit and work my way up to 1000+
I use a piece of 1/8 in thick fiber board that I cut into a small handle and then glue/tape a piece of cloth or sandpaper(for the really stubborn stuff). Other than that if it is extremely bad I may unpin the razor give everything a good cleaning and then re-pin it.
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