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How do you build a good lubricating lather with Williams?

Hello everyone. I have a puck of Williams hanging around and I tried to use it this morning for the first time and did not get good results. I could only get foam from it, not a true lather. I am a newbie and open to tips and ideas from all those Williams faithful out there.
With williams, I lather ON the puck. You just have to get more soap into the brush. It's a really hard soap, so you should either leave a little puddle of water on it while you shower or lather on the puck IMO. It doesn't provide the most "cushiony" lather in the world, but it makes up for it in slickness.

It's not the facciest soap in the world, but it certainly does the job. I hope this helps.
I was looking at the Tabac on amazon and it is 15X the cost of Williams and VDH. Can I justify that cost? I ask because two days ago I was able to get my first BBS shave with VDH, so why pay more? I am also sensitive to freagrance so is there a sameple I can get to Tabac before I spend the money on it? :)
Can I justify that cost?

With Tabac, the cost is easily justified. It's that good. Also, If you don't like it, sell it off in the BST. At the end of the day Williams, VDH or Tabac will get you some lather. How hard you have to work to get that lather, how it smells, how it feels, and what it does for your skin is where the difference lies.
Get a sample of the creams/soaps from one of our vendor sites. Best to try for yourself before spending money on a full purchase. This hobby is expensive enough.
I have not tried Williams yet, so you'll have to consider that in my suggestion. I'd soak the puck while I showered then simply use the puck as a shave stick (rub it directly on my stubble) several times and develop a lather on my face with my brush.

- Chris
Mill the puck of williams into a bowl for one, softens the soap up and allows it to soak up more water.

Use a boar brush

Lather on the puck

Continue to swirl your brush even after the suds/foam flops out

Face lather afterwards

Screw Tabac
If you're getting foam, you are not loading enough product onto the brush and/or using too much water. Read up on lather building on this site and then start from the basics
If you're getting foam, you are not loading enough product onto the brush and/or using too much water. Read up on lather building on this site and then start from the basics

Thats the thing, williams if you don't use excessive amounts of water, you're not going to get a lather out of it period.

Water breaks down the soap, which eventually loads up "thickly" onto your brush unlike Tabac.
I have been practicing with the soap a bit and found like was mentioned that the soap needs water to make a lather. The soap foams quite a bit but cause the soap to soften which loads the brush with product that will then lather. It is not a thick lather like a cream might be....it is like a slick translucent white coating. It is not pretty and fluffy, it is just slick. If it lubricates and shaves well....then that is all I am worried about. Keep the ideas coming.
I have been practicing with the soap a bit and found like was mentioned that the soap needs water to make a lather. The soap foams quite a bit but cause the soap to soften which loads the brush with product that will then lather. It is not a thick lather like a cream might be....it is like a slick translucent white coating. It is not pretty and fluffy, it is just slick. If it lubricates and shaves well....then that is all I am worried about. Keep the ideas coming.

It won't be like a cream but still should be thicker than translucent on your face, and shouldn't have bubbles.
It's not 14 times. More like 2.5.

Assuming you still get Williams for a dollar, 'cause it's $1.50 here... Tabac is 4.4 ounces vs. 1.75 for Williams, so the puck's 2.5 times larger. Works out to 5.6 times the cost, since you can get Tabac for $14. You'll need to use at least twice as much Williams to get the job done, so Tabac is somewhere less than 2.8 times the cost.

That's comparing one of the best tallow soaps against one of the worst. Is it worth it? Personally, I'd rather pay the $25 for AoS.
i let my brush sit in a bowl of hot water during my shower. then give it a shake or two and start swirling on the puck til its just saturated and wont hold any more. then i go to my bowl and start adding small amounts of water and just give it time. it just takes a while to get a good lather but it will happen. when your arm starts to hurt and youre tired thats a good indication you are almost done. i wanted to hate this soap so bad when i started wet shaving because i couldnt get a good lather because i didnt give it enough time to whip up but man once you get it..i swear its a damn good shave. :w00t:
The other day I picked up my puck of Williams and rubbed it on my face like the way you would a shave stick.
I then face lathered and had an excellent shave.
Put the puck in a bowl or mug and fill it with hot water. take your shower. Dump out the warm water in with the williams. Whipp it up in your mug or bowl. I wouldn't worry how much soap is being "ruined", I have used this technique for a couple years now and I typically get 40-50 shave out of a single puck, not bad for a $ 1.07. If you'd really like a treat for an extra lubricating luxury shave use a pre shave oil, olive and grape seed is my mix. Cheap and simple can't go wrong
PS, Don't worry, I like Williams and take comfort in the fact that I can go anywhere in the US and buy a puck for a buck. I have gotten some of the best shaves with Williams. P.P.S if you write or email the company raving about thier product they will send complimentary coupons. just google williams mug for the address.
Soak the puck. Williams works a lot better once it hydrates. It'll soften up some and will be way easier to load your brush with, although as others have mentioned in will require more water than other soaps. I think that has more to do with the fact that they milled the living daylights out of the stuff when they manufacture it. It's not bad, it's just devoid of moisture more than any other soap I've seen straight out of the box.

And alternatively, you could mill it into a container using a grater. Then just add some water to the shredded Williams and press. Either way, make sure the puck is throughly hydrated before you use it.
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