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How come none of yinz guys ever told me about Arko?

Just got my first stick of Arko today. I made a sample order from Gary's shop and asked him to sell me a stick so I could see what all the fuss was about. I opened the paper and thought, better go get the cheese grater. I never used a stick before and thought there was no way I would be able to get a good lather just by rubbing it on my face and then hitting it with the brush. Man was I wrong. I wet the face, swirled the stick over my cheeks, and grabbed the brush. I honestly thought it was going to be a waste of time because it didn't look like there was much soap on my skin. Once that brush hit it though, it lathered up like magic. Still the skeptic, I reached for my big brush, a 30mm whipped dog. I thought the smaller knot I used the first time was the reason I got a good lather and the lather hog that is the whipped dog wouldn't do the same. Wrong again. Different brush, same result. Now my question is, have I missed the ball on shave sticks? Do they all lather up this easy or is t just an Arko thing? Thanks for any responses.


Must be from the 'Burgh. My Mother is from Monessen.

Anyway, you have been here since October and haven't read the Arko-love posts? (Or the Arko hate posts--where does that come from?) Haven't tried it yet, but I make have to pull the trigger to see what the fuss is all about (from both camps).

Glad to hear you like it.
Arko is tallow based so I guess that helps to create a great lather. If you can stand the scent, it's a fantastic soap.
Someone from The Steel City. Nice! I'm just about to post a picture I asked WCS to put on the side of the box my order was shipped in. It's a photo with Jack Lambert. It is awesome. I meant to actually order some Arko to give it a try. Have to get some next time.
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Greensburg here bud. I try to throw a "yinz" in where I can. I have actually read about Arko on here....just an attempt at humor. I think it kind of smells like pine sol, but in a good way.

I sliced my stick up and moulded it into a ramekin. Works really well for me. The first time I smelled it I hated it. Instantly reminded me of the urinal cake smell in my local pub toilets. A few days and a few shaves later the smell fades a little and your nose becomes accustomed to it.
For the price a stick costs there's no good reason not to own one.
Most sticks that are Tallow based, or otherwise of high repute (I'm thinking of Honeybee and Gentleman's Best, i think) should be pretty good or great latherers. If you're interested in trying sticks, why not poke your head into the Save Stick Pass-Around thread! You qualify to join in the pass, and you can join in the fun! Who knows, you could win a stick from Mike's Natural!!
Haven't met a shave stick I haven't liked yet (Speick, Arko, La Toja). Nearly all of them have that wonderful tallow, so performance is top-notch. Can't wait to try them all!
Maybe not the best place to ask this question, but that hasn't stopped me in the past:

Tallow is animal fat, right? I've got no problem with that for the most part. But I have had some issues in the past with moisturizers containing lanolin. I assumed I had a mild allergic reaction to lanolin, but now that seems unlikely. I think it is more likely the allergic reaction is to the stuff used to processes lanolin--and present in cheaper lanolin products. Still, I'm not really sure what the deal is.

So, the question is,does Arko contain lanolin? It isn't on the ingredients. But I guess I still have some concern. Also, does anyone with an aversion to lanolin use Arko without issues?

Thanks in advance.
haha "yinz" ....hear that all the time at Christmas when I visit family in the Mount Pleasant area. I was quite blown away by the lather I got from my Arko stick when I first used it. I ended up smashing mine into a bowl as I don't face lather often.
I recently got started trying shave sticks and so far I'm very impressed. I've got Palmolive, La Toja and recently received Arko. They are real gems in price, convenience and LATHER!
I'm glad "yunz" liked it n'at! I haven't tried it yet, but as soon as my VDH puck is gone, Arko is next on da list. I am curious, for those who have used Arko and Cremo...how similar are the scents?
I spent a good part of my childhood in Pittsburgh..... you yinzers are all right by me (excepting the predilection for Arko of course....) :001_tt2:
Welcome to the cult.
As for lanolin it's a wax secreted by sheep on their little wooly jumpers. Most lanolin comes from squeezing out wool.
There is a known allergic reaction in some humans to it. Got nothing to do with tallow.
Arko is a silent gaurdian...a watchful protector...it is...the White Knight! It will seek you out when you are ready, and ready you are! Enjoy!
I bet you will "stick" around! It took me about 6 months to venture into sticks. Love 'em! You may also want to add Palmolive Classic and LaToja to your next order.
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