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How can someone possibly continue to use cartridge razors - A praise for DE

:confused1 This morning during shopping at a local BJ's (wholesale membership market) I saw the latest High Tech cartridge offering from the market leader which used to manufacture classic shaving equipement since over 100 years and sometime something must have gone terribly wrong.

This was their latest "No. 1 Dermatologist recommended ..." offering.
I didn't even try to remember the full version name/description and marketing speak.

Said cartridge offer was 16 ct for $48.95 :scared:
Next to it double can packs of GOOOO :scared:.

A few hours earlier I ordered 100 Polsilver Super Iridiums from Phil at BG for $32.99 (OK, yes and some soaps..)
Of course once the classic wet shaving with an assortment of nice DE razors has induced RAS, BAS, SAS did I forget something? You won't actually save a lot of money but the tools are making the whole experience a joy rather than a chore. Your skin feels better, you feel better and buying DE blades will not burn a whole in your pocket.

Still the cartridge business seems to do very well, as in regular stores & supermarkets you see all these products and you will have to search for DE blades. Is it just succesfull marketing that is pushing the DE blades into a niche?

Don't people start thinking about alternatives when they are being robbed :confused1 ?
:confused1 This morning during shopping at a local BJ's (wholesale membership market) I saw the latest High Tech cartridge offering from the market leader which used to manufacture classic shaving equipement since over 100 years and sometime something must have gone terribly wrong.

This was their latest "No. 1 Dermatologist recommended ..." offering.
I didn't even try to remember the full version name/description and marketing speak.

Said cartridge offer was 16 ct for $48.95 :scared:
Next to it double can packs of GOOOO :scared:.

A few hours earlier I ordered 100 Polsilver Super Iridiums from Phil at BG for $32.99 (OK, yes and some soaps..)
Of course once the classic wet shaving with an assortment of nice DE razors has induced RAS, BAS, SAS did I forget something? You won't actually save a lot of money but the tools are making the whole experience a joy rather than a chore. Your skin feels better, you feel better and buying DE blades will not burn a whole in your pocket.

Still the cartridge business seems to do very well, as in regular stores & supermarkets you see all these products and you will have to search for DE blades. Is it just succesfull marketing that is pushing the DE blades into a niche?

Don't people start thinking about alternatives when they are being robbed :confused1 ?

Cartridges shave so well for some people that they never need to think about it.
Because different things work for different folks.

The unavailability of good Trac II cartridges drove me to DE razors, not an inferior shave quality.
Is it just succesfull marketing that is pushing the DE blades into a niche?

Not successful marketing, but rather a marketing decision. They have just decided to concentrate on cartridges because they make more money out of them and not advertise something which is less profitable for them.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Don't people start thinking about alternatives when they are being robbed :confused1 ?

I did. exactly why I switched. I was sick if paying the high price for cartridges.

but cartridges gave me great shaves. Never any irritation, never any ingrown hairs. In fact I used one as part of the Item of the Week here and got a BBS every time I used it. Axe cartridge razor & Barbasol all week. worked perfectly.

I can't imagine cartridges being absolutely terrible for everyone and they never look for alternatives. My guess is that they work for the vast majority of people and they are efficient. I think that is the key...efficient. They provide a quick, easy shave with minimal effort. That's what most folks want so they don't see it as being robbed. They are getting their money out of it.
I did. exactly why I switched. I was sick if paying the high price for cartridges.

but cartridges gave me great shaves. Never any irritation, never any ingrown hairs. In fact I used one as part of the Item of the Week here and got a BBS every time I used it. Axe cartridge razor & Barbasol all week. worked perfectly.

I can't imagine cartridges being absolutely terrible for everyone and they never look for alternatives. My guess is that they work for the vast majority of people and they are efficient. I think that is the key...efficient. They provide a quick, easy shave with minimal effort. That's what most folks want so they don't see it as being robbed. They are getting their money out of it.

Exactly. I only have two knocks on cartridges and that is the cost, and the fact that the blades get clogged with stubble. Part of that is my fault though. I hated shaving so much I'd only do it twice a week. Besides that, I had great results with carts & Jack Black Beard Lube.

I don't think cartridges have been pushing DE into a niche for a long, long time since DE shaving has been a niche for many decades. In fact, I think DE shaving is starting to experience some growth, much like craft brewing did in the very early years.
Thanks for your replies folks.
I guess for most people convinience is key over the experience and cost. To get a DFS or even BBS with a DE razor you will definately need some experience. To gain this level takes time and effort but this, from my perpective, is well worth the effort and part of the experience isn't it?
Again, that depends on the person.

The Trac II gave me very good shaves with the original Gillette cartridges. Wilkinson Twin and (NOS) Profile carts are good too.

And obviously many people are happy with the modern cartridges as well.
Yep- also people of today (excluding us fans of course) don´t know they have other choices to choose from.
That said- I have been an experienced shaver for years and I borrowed my nephew (in his early fourties) a very humble and mild (40´s) Superspeed that I thought was REALLY safe for him to try out. Guess what- he cut himself so badly that people in his office wondered what he had been doing.

I really thought that was unpossible to cut yourself with that particular razor- so I guess the moral of that story is that the average mileage of a modern man of today to use DEs is rather steep.

Cartridges shave so well for some people that they never need to think about it.
I can think of many ways one could cut himself with a Super Speed lol!

(but a bit of education would prevent that)
I got to admit- a rather short educational course was given:biggrin1:. Still I thought it was fool proof. But hey- think about it - here we have the average Joe who does not necessarily wants to learn how to shave "properly" in the first place- his main aim is to get the results quickly. I guess the old fashioned way is an option only for the incrowd. Really. "They" are not like shave maniacs like ourselves.

I can think of many ways one could cut himself with a Super Speed lol!

(but a bit of education would prevent that)
I enjoy shaving with a straight.
Not so much a DE.
I can get an excellent shave from a Fusion, and generally use a Fusion for my headshave.
I use a straight to mow down the bulk on my head if I've gone a couple of days without shaving, then clean up with the Fusion.

I briefly went back to the Mach-3 a few months ago (for headshaves), and found the shaves were not as good, and I was getting a lot of nicks and cuts.
You really should give up the Fusion once and for all and get yourself a good SE razor for the final touch. There I said it. :001_cool: Oopps.

I enjoy shaving with a straight.
Not so much a DE.
I can get an excellent shave from a Fusion, and generally use a Fusion for my headshave.
I use a straight to mow down the bulk on my head if I've gone a couple of days without shaving, then clean up with the Fusion.

I briefly went back to the Mach-3 a few months ago (for headshaves), and found the shaves were not as good, and I was getting a lot of nicks and cuts.
I have a DE and a collection of nice Injectors that I love dearly, but none of those give me a BBS like a Gillette Fusion Proglide, so I use it almost everyday.

I can't stand cutting cuts, weepers, irritation, or burn, and the Fusion is generally harm proof. I have MORE fun when the risk of cuts or burn is zero.

I would never recommend a DE or Injector in fear of placing another in harm's way. Without experience they are likely to hurt their face.
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People use carts because there is really no learning curve with carts. Squirt canned gunk into hands.. rub gunk on face, shave quickly running the head of razor under running water after every time you drag the razor down your face. Repeat til your face is shaven. That works for most of the men out there.

With DE... Ya gotta learn about angles, skin hydration, skin care, WTG, XTG, ATG, reapply shaving soap or cream, learn how to properly lather with soap or cream that is not canned.... etc All of that stuff.

When I first started researching DE wet shaving.. I will admit that I was a bit daunted by all that I read I would have to learn. Thankfully I joined B&B and got information that was distilled and more focused and the wonderful people here pointed me towards a few merchants and one even sold me his Gillette Flare Tip SS (MrCitizen). If not for either B&B and MrCitizen, I would not have dove into this wonderful world. I would have simply kept my beard growing looking like some outlaw Biker or mountain man.

Also it could be that a lot of people are not aware of DE wetshaving or they simply do not have the time (so they think) do DE wet shave.
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I guess using canned goo and a cartridge razor is like fast food, something you just toss into the microwave like the "TV dinner".
You don't have to learn anything about cooking, you don't spent time shopping in special places for the right ingredients and you don't have to put all thing together in a way that makes sense. Just hit the 2 min. button and be done. I do like cooking and I like to spent some time on a proper DE shaving routine :thumbup1:.
Thanks for your replies folks.
I guess for most people convinience is key over the experience and cost.

You're assuming that every cartridge shaver out there dislikes the experience; I highly doubt that's the case. And, while it is possible to save money by DE shaving, you will likely negate any savings simply by buying multiple razors and brushes.
You're assuming that every cartridge shaver out there dislikes the experience; I highly doubt that's the case.

Blasphemy :lol:

This morning I did my first pass (WTG) with a cartridge, and the second (ATG) with a DE. Smooooth and very comfortable!
You're assuming that every cartridge shaver out there dislikes the experience; I highly doubt that's the case. And, while it is possible to save money by DE shaving, you will likely negate any savings simply by buying multiple razors and brushes.
That I already stated in the OP :001_huh:.

As far as the experience of a cartridge shave goes (I came from Mach3 before starting DE) it's generally not too bad for a lot of people but usually the skin gets better once you have a certain level of proficiency in DE shaving using a proper brush and a soap not loaded with all kinds of weird ingredients first of all propellants to get the goo out of the can and transform it into a foam.

My son had serious skin issues when he started shaving and he (everybody else of course, too) saw a dramatic improvement once I got him a basic DE shaving kit and instructions how to use it.

It does take longer to do a proper DE shave than a gooey cartridge shave and if time is of the essence in the morning rush it's a matter of priorities if you want to go old school or quick & dirty:biggrin1:.
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