This was their latest "No. 1 Dermatologist recommended ..." offering.
I didn't even try to remember the full version name/description and marketing speak.
Said cartridge offer was 16 ct for $48.95

Next to it double can packs of GOOOO

A few hours earlier I ordered 100 Polsilver Super Iridiums from Phil at BG for $32.99 (OK, yes and some soaps..)
Of course once the classic wet shaving with an assortment of nice DE razors has induced RAS, BAS, SAS did I forget something? You won't actually save a lot of money but the tools are making the whole experience a joy rather than a chore. Your skin feels better, you feel better and buying DE blades will not burn a whole in your pocket.
Still the cartridge business seems to do very well, as in regular stores & supermarkets you see all these products and you will have to search for DE blades. Is it just succesfull marketing that is pushing the DE blades into a niche?
Don't people start thinking about alternatives when they are being robbed