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GIVEAWAY! How about another PIF, friends? - 100 Gillette Silver Blue Blades


Not made for these times.
Good morning, friends.

If you're interested in these blades just say "I'm in" and they could be yours.

This PIF is open to all members from the US and Canada.

I will choose a winner next Friday morning (Nov. 17th)

Make me happy and throw your hat in on this one, all. :)

@Eric_75 you must have a serious stash of blades with the amount that you have given away! Not in as this blade has never worked for me, but they are generally universally loved so someone is most likely going to be very pleased with this PIF.
Me Me Me Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm in!

Uncle Eric, thanks for always hosting such great PIF's and your generosity to B&B!
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