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Hot Towel Shaves

I'm in the Albany, NY area and in general I think this is a hard question.
How can you find a barber that gives a decent hot towel shave?
I am in search because I am hoping to get hot towel shaves for my groomsmen and I am becoming desperate. I have been to many places (don't make enough to do it this way) and have come away disappointed every time.
I heard of the kind of shave that is BBS and needs not be shaved again until 2 days hence.
All I've gotten is enough stubble that I shave again when I get home!
Anyone in the Albany area that knows a guy?

~$25 a pop is there a site of reviews?

I've tried (in order of quality #1 first)...
Rumors IV Men (Latham) 5.5/10
Stretched skin moderately well, proper use of hot towel, quality products used, short strokes with shavette (-)
Gregory's Barber Shop (Delmar)4/10
proper use of hot towel, stubbly in places afterwards
Tiffany's Barber Shop (Glenmont) 3/10
visible stubble(--), Hot towel not folded over face properly, short strokes of shavette (-)
Patsy's Barber shop (downtown Albany) 3/10
visible stubble (--), proper use of hot towel, short strokes of shavette (-)
from: http://hottowelshaves.wikispaces.com/

The list in the area is getting shorter and I still haven't found anyone.
I believe you are in the wrong subforum friend, We can find you a good bar in Albany but I am unsure of barbers, might I suggest the General Shave Discussion?

Good Luck,
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