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honing tonight...

decided to make a bit of a honing video tonight.... i was putting a new edge on pinkponys straight....

boring video.... meh....

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:thumbup1: nice! If you make another video ( and I'm just being selfish now) but can you make the honing part over head? Anyone I love your edges and nice to see the shave at the end.
Cool. What stones are you using here?

edit: My fault for not having volume up, restarted it. King 1k -> coti -> Jnat

Heads up. I've heard you should soak the king with the 6k side out of the water cause it can crack from soaking.
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Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I have a King 6K that spent a lot of time in water with no problems, but I don't know if that applies to combo stones. I use dollar store plastic shoe boxes for storing and soaking stones. Coarse stones, nagura, and fixers soak in the tub, while fine stones and stones with wood or plastic bases soak upside down in the lid, which is ~1/2" deep. Works like a charm.
I don't soak my 6k, so not speaking from experience, but I've seen a few knife forums where people spoke specifically of 6k's cracking or chipping easily and the response was usually "Yeah, don't soak those".
i soak it long enough for it to quit drinking... then i set it to dry.... i rarely use the 6k side......

and andy i will make a overhead video next time i hone up something....
craptastic video.... but i hope this view is more helpful andy....

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Very nice video but Dude you are using the wrong hand.

As a side note Paco puts on a great edge and has more experience that most do, but please don't flip the razor in this manner, alway flip over the spine.

Very interesting, no slurry on the Coticucle? or did you make one before the video?

Nice dogs.
Sweet Brian, I love it. I'm waiting for my USB micro to come in so I can start a little honing log and I wanted to check out how you made your edges and what technique you use. Thanks again!! Much appreciated!!
Very cool videos. I'm guessing the use of progressively decreasing pressure is how/why you bypass the slurry?
No slurry. He said he uses pressure instead of slurry. From the looks of it either he uses a lot of pressure or he has a nice, fast coti. Because he flies from 1k to his Jnat on that coti.
Very cool videos. I'm guessing the use of progressively decreasing pressure is how/why you bypass the slurry?

yes sir i use pressure to avoid using slurry *(which i see as a waste of perfectly good stone.... lol...)

i do however use slurry on the JNAT... *(sometimes... **(evil grin))
Looks like some slurry was raised on the coticule from the pressure of the razor on the stone. At least, what's being pushed around looks whitish and slightly creamy.
Looks like some slurry was raised on the coticule from the pressure of the razor on the stone. At least, what's being pushed around looks whitish and slightly creamy.

yes... this coti does auto slurry a bit... but most of that is the water i am spraying on it... it is a mixture of water and tincture of green soap *(surgical soap...)

i love the smell of it and it works wonders...
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