I have a simmilar problem, all this time I thought that my brush was a 22mm knot so I ordered a 22mm knot from TNG and the very next day I found a post stating my brush was a 24mm knot. I the new knot hasn't come it yet, and I am still using the old brush. I find the current brush too floppy, so if I just set the new knot deeper will this solve both my problems?
My other two choices are to drill out the old knot plug te hole with a dowel and redrill it to the proper size, or just order a proper sized knot for the old brush and a proper sized handle for the new knot. I wont try and get an exchange for my mistake.
Hmmm, not necessarily.... I have a number of Tony's 28mm on hand. Just checked them and they range in actual diameter from 27mm to 28.5mm, so like Rudy says I wouldn't assume anything about the knots' size until you have it on hand.a 28 mm knot is going to be close to 26 or 26.5 mm at the base anyway.