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Hoffritz "1346" w/ 2-Band

Gary Carrington restored this butterscotch Hoffritz and reknoted it with a TGN 2-Band. The pic below is the bloom after 2 shaves.

$Hoffritz 2.jpg

The pic really doesn't do it justice. The knot has a rootbeer hue to the 2nd band which is sweet when seen in person against the dark butterscotch handle.
GD did his usual magic and I could not be more please.

I'm waiting on the arrival of a couple more of GD restores/reknots: Kent VF5 w/TGN 20mm Super Badger, Readleaf w/26mm Super 2 Band, Montclair w/20mm TGN Finest XH. They can't get here fast enough, I'll post pics as soon as they arrive.

Thanks GD !
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Correction --- GD reknoted this beauty not with a TGN 2-Band but a Custom 2-Band. One of which I am enjoying very very much...!
I am glad you are enjoying it. I really enjoyed restoring it and from a knot standpoint actually upgrading it.

The original knot was a three band that I found while performing a quick hair cleaning to be completely worn out (collapsed with water on hairs).

So the knot I placed in it is a custom 2 band which I find to be exquisite to the touch.
I'll make sure and post the before/after pics of the Kent, Redleaf and Montclair ASAP. At some point (meaning the collection of funds) I'll choose knots for a Hoffritz Barrel and 424 that are coming to me also.
I am glad you are enjoying it. I really enjoyed restoring it and from a knot standpoint actually upgrading it.

The original knot was a three band that I found while performing a quick hair cleaning to be completely worn out (collapsed with water on hairs).

So the knot I placed in it is a custom 2 band which I find to be exquisite to the touch.

"exquisite to the touch" is spot on. It is every bit as firm as my RV with Finest Badger but with softer tips. A real joy to use and releases lather like a champ.
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