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Hobby to Escape

I'm having a hard time finding some type of new hobby or activity to get away from the everyday stresses. I'm mainly interested in some type of outdoor activity because I believe there is something to be said to getting back to nature and it's healthful benefits. I've tried running and will probably continue it for exercise but I really do not enjoy it.

What all hobbies or activities do you all do (besides shaving, of course) to not only get away from work or school but also enjoy?
I'm having a hard time finding some type of new hobby or activity to get away from the everyday stresses. I'm mainly interested in some type of outdoor activity because I believe there is something to be said to getting back to nature and it's healthful benefits. I've tried running and will probably continue it for exercise but I really do not enjoy it.

What all hobbies or activities do you all do (besides shaving, of course) to not only get away from work or school but also enjoy?

Photography is great (especially when paired with hiking)

You get some amazing shots in a kayak, too. It looks like the camera was sitting on the water's surface ad you can get a lot closer to a lot of wild life. Not to mention the scenery.
Geocaching.com is an awesome place to go to find a great hobby. I love geocaching. If you want to go for a hike, there are caches to find, if you want to take the canoe out there are caches to find, if you want to take out the bike (two wheels and pedals) there are caches.
Longboarding, it is a skate board, but its not like the ones you see the kids riding around doing tricks on. It is athletic and it is very relaxing. Imagine touring the countryside quietly like you would on a road bike, but you are standing. Not for everyone.
Writing, I try to write *with a pen* for fifteen minutes everyday. This goes hand in hand with other things like reading and listening to relaxing music.
Reading (can be done outdoors too). Reading fiction is my favorite new found escapism.

I also like bike riding on paved trails or just though the neighborhood, to the library, or elsewhere.

Outdoor cooking.
Biking is always fun, outdoor exercise. Not even road bike fancy or anything like that. Just a good hybrid Trek and some decent roads and sidewalks.
Rock climbing is a blast, too.
Geocaching.com is an awesome place to go to find a great hobby. I love geocaching. If you want to go for a hike, there are caches to find, if you want to take the canoe out there are caches to find, if you want to take out the bike (two wheels and pedals) there are caches.
Longboarding, it is a skate board, but its not like the ones you see the kids riding around doing tricks on. It is athletic and it is very relaxing. Imagine touring the countryside quietly like you would on a road bike, but you are standing. Not for everyone.
Writing, I try to write *with a pen* for fifteen minutes everyday. This goes hand in hand with other things like reading and listening to relaxing music.

Longboarding is amazingly fun too... I haven't done it in years, but it was so fun
I love my hobbies!

Outdoor activities:

Rock climbing, hiking/mountaineering, downhill skiing, running, golfing, the occasional bluegrass show...

Indoor activities:

Calligraphy, woodworking, weightlifting

I really want to get one of those gigantic "adult" legos and build it. Relive my youth. Perhaps a star destroyer or millennium falcon or something like that. :biggrin:
Biking is always fun, outdoor exercise. Not even road bike fancy or anything like that. Just a good hybrid Trek and some decent roads and sidewalks.
Rock climbing is a blast, too.

And if you're really adventurous, try biking while shaving.
It's not an outdoor activity, and this may generate a few snickers among the guys, but yoga is a great stress reducer, and there are some forms that can be quite a good workout.
It's not an outdoor activity, and this may generate a few snickers among the guys, but yoga is a great stress reducer, and there are some forms that can be quite a good workout.

+1 not a hobby but a wonderful de-stresser. I don't have much problems destressing in general but I have to say that nothing clears my mind and reduces my tension level as much as my yoga class.
Boats of any nature are great for relaxing.
I thought about making kayaking and canoeing. I did enjoy the few times I have kayaked/canoed and went whitewater rafting.

Geocaching.com is an awesome place to go to find a great hobby. I love geocaching. If you want to go for a hike, there are caches to find, if you want to take the canoe out there are caches to find, if you want to take out the bike (two wheels and pedals) there are caches.
Longboarding, it is a skate board, but its not like the ones you see the kids riding around doing tricks on. It is athletic and it is very relaxing. Imagine touring the countryside quietly like you would on a road bike, but you are standing. Not for everyone.
Writing, I try to write *with a pen* for fifteen minutes everyday. This goes hand in hand with other things like reading and listening to relaxing music.
I've heard of a few people that I knew doing geocaching. I don't know much about it. Is it finding things people have posted coordinates on? I'll check that site out, though.

Biking is always fun, outdoor exercise. Not even road bike fancy or anything like that. Just a good hybrid Trek and some decent roads and sidewalks.
Rock climbing is a blast, too.
Mountain biking is something I think I'd be interested in. It would be nice to have on campus, as well. The only reason I haven't is because of the initial expense of a bike. But, I guess all hobbies are like that.

Longboarding is amazingly fun too... I haven't done it in years, but it was so fun
Sounds interesting. Where or how do you do this? Do you take a similar trail that someone might on a road bike or is it more a downtown thing?

It's not an outdoor activity, and this may generate a few snickers among the guys, but yoga is a great stress reducer, and there are some forms that can be quite a good workout.
Yoga was one activity I was considering. I guess "outdoor" was a little deceiving but yoga is something that is offered in close proximity to where I live so it's something I might look into. Have you noticed the health benefits from yoga that I've heard other people mention?
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