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Ho Ho Ho - Merry Christmas.... charity style

I want to donate money to one or more charities this christmas. I have certain causes i want to support and would like to be selective in the process. Does anyone know of any Watch Dog organizations for charities? I want to make sure the money is going to good use.
I work for the Federal Government, so we have this thing called the CFC (Combined Federal Campaign.) Basically, they've got rules about what charitable organizations can take part in this program, so you can be sure that at least some minimum standards are being met. For instance, one rule is that there's a maximum percentage of their donated income that can go towards administrative costs for running the charity. I believe it's 4%. This way, you know the majority of your donation is going toward the charity and not the organization running it. I believe the United Way is basically the same thing, though I've no experience with them and have no idea what standards they use.

If you're a memember of a church, or other religious group, you might check with them. Either they run their own charity (e.g., soup kitchens/shelters) or they've got contacts with other organizations. This can be good because the dollars are likely to go to local causes, if you're into that. Even if you're not a churchgoer, they may be a good place to look. Hopefully you could rely on a church to not lead you astray.
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