I have been DE shaving for almost a year and a half and have a lot of gear, more than I can use in 5 years probably.
Well been talking my Dad about it and he said I should try some of his oil that he uses, he said he doesn't mess with cream and all that nonsense anymore. I told him I would like to try it because I was thinking about using it for a preshave oil. He told me to try it by itself after a shower and see what I thought about it. Well last night I used it with a Merkur 23c and a Shark sc. Well I really cannot believe how well this stuff worked, it is the first DE shave that I have gotten even with all my good soaps that left me with out any burn or bumps especially on my neck. I am still rubbing it this morning going this is nuts. I looked at my wife and shook my head, haha, what the heck did I buy all this stuff for. I will try it a few more times and I am going to try it as a preshave too. Has anyone else used this or something like it and been blown away.
Well been talking my Dad about it and he said I should try some of his oil that he uses, he said he doesn't mess with cream and all that nonsense anymore. I told him I would like to try it because I was thinking about using it for a preshave oil. He told me to try it by itself after a shower and see what I thought about it. Well last night I used it with a Merkur 23c and a Shark sc. Well I really cannot believe how well this stuff worked, it is the first DE shave that I have gotten even with all my good soaps that left me with out any burn or bumps especially on my neck. I am still rubbing it this morning going this is nuts. I looked at my wife and shook my head, haha, what the heck did I buy all this stuff for. I will try it a few more times and I am going to try it as a preshave too. Has anyone else used this or something like it and been blown away.