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Hilarious Onion Article about Gillette

Don't ask how I found this, I often bump into crazy things. However, be warned that the following article is NOT I repeat NOT family friendly and contains language that may offend some readers.

Think about it.

Still wanna read it?

Sure the kids aren't around?

Double check first.

Now here we go!

Note to mods: I know we're supposed to be family friendly here, and I hope that by linking to that article I haven't broken any rules. If so, my apologies and feel free to delete the link, and I'll copy/paste a censored version. That being said, it's nothing horrible, just some F bombs and such.
I didn't know about The Onion before I became a member of B&B. I've seen some articles and videos come along from time to time that were hilarious. This is one of them; thanks for sharing!
That was the first thing I read this morning, and it is going to be a terrific day now!

(as far as this site's view on codes of conduct, I think you handled it exactly the way people would prefer: Warnings, descriptions of what about it is offensive, and a link. Although, now I am going to pepper all my conversations today with the ***-word!)
What's great about that article is that it came out about two years prior to the Fusion and nails a few of the details. Maybe Gillette read the article and drew inspiration from it.
i think this is the best ever. you have to scroll down a bit. it isn't even an article. just a picture of pete townshend of the who that says "pete townshend can't explain".

there's no article or story just that photo and the caption. it just so happened they ran this not long after he got busted for having child pornography on his PC.
Yeah, I came across that article a while back when I was searching for something shaving related. Funny stuff.
This was in my signature until recently, I had quoted the "When you're on top, people talk. That's the price you pay for being on top. Which Gillette is, always has been, and forever shall be, Amen, five blades, sweet Jesus in heaven" part :tongue:
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