Im looking for a recipie on Highland Shortbread. I cant seem to find any worth buying at stores around here and I concider it a nessisity with my tea. Anyone have a good one?
I have a Scotts neighbor, hers is> equal parts flour and sweet butter and sugar> rolled out 3/8 inch> cut> Pan> freezer for awhile> 325 degrees, watch like a hawk> take out just before you think they are done.
I really like these cookies. The rice flour adds some lightness.
1 Cup Icing sugar
1 Cup Butter
1 Cup Lard (or second cup butter)
1 Cup white rice flour
1 Tsp Almond or Vanilla extract (optional)
3 ½ Cups All purpose flour
2 Tbsp white sugar
1. Preheat over to 350°F
2. Cream butter, lard, and sugar until fluffy then add almond or vanilla extract
3. Slowly add all of the flours and mix well
4. Press dough into a 10 x 15 pan cut into desired size bars and sprinkle with sugar and/or coloured sprinkles
5. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes until golden brown
6. Separate bars while still warm