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Hey! It's SEptember already!

Get out your Stars, your GEMs, your ERs, your Schicks, your PALs, your Shavetys, your Rolls and your Valets. (and any others I missed)
If it's SEptember, it's gotta be a single edge!
Day 1
ER 1914, GEM PTFE SS (1), La Toja, B&B essential boar

Nice way to start the month, though must be out of practice as it was oddly inefficient. Still smooth shave, no weepers on the newly discovered lip/chin area.

My new Gem Pushbutton:
Omega 10066
Florida water.

Used Kyle's prep. This is only my third shave with this razor but woooow is it great. 3 pass BBS. I find the pushbutton with a safety bar much easier to use than my OCMM. I love the audio feedback, I can really nail down angle and pressure well by just listening. Tactile feel of the blade against my skin (augmented by Williams' lack of cushion) is helpful, especially in keeping a light touch.

5 hours since the shave and my face feels as BBS as it did after my shave.


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I only have two SE's at the moment, but I think since it is SEptember, next time I find one at the flea market ( I passed on some 1912's at the fleamarket last week, nice shape @ 10$ a pop) I'll have to add another to the collection.

Yesterday I was excited to try some new DE blades, but I think I'll have to go back to the bullet tip tomorrow.

SE's are just so simple to use, if I have less time then I thought I did before trying to make it to class by 8:30 (time really seems to evaporate in the morning!) I grab one of my SE's, either the Injector or GEM Bullet Tip MM, because I know the shave will be simpler, and less punishing for poorer prep/lather/etc.
Bullet tip eh?
I was going to keep on with the 1914 but I feel swayed.

Phineas, I know what I'm going to shave with today.
Hello Group,
I'm Gene and I have become a single edge razor user over just the past two weeks or so . . . I have although taken things a bit too far. Yes gentlemen, I'm a binge shaver . . . twelve step program needed?
- Gem OCMM all the time

I'm in on this one for sure. I own 19 single edge razors which I used far more then my DE razors. I'll break out my favorite design the lather catchers!
$LaCatchers ALL 2.jpg
Day 2
GEM Flying Wing, GEM PTFE SS (2), KMF Cool Mint, assist from Palmolive, B&B boar

A goodly shave. Much easier under the nose than a 1914.

Day 3 and 4
PAL Injector, Schick (n), Trader Joes bath soap, in the shower
Pressed for time, quick shower shaves, but stuck with SE!

Day 5
GEM Flying Wing, GEM PTFE SS (3), Lea stick, TGN 18mm finest
Even better than Day 2. Getting better at my chinnage area.
I hadn't realized SEtember was upon us already!

Day 1 (yesterday)
GEM 1912, PAL carbon steel blade (1), Stirling Naked and Smooth soap, TGN 22mm Super Silvertip.
Very nice shave! I think I prefer the 1912 design to all the SE designs that I've tried.

Later in the day I stopped by an antique store on a whim and found a GEM Damaskeene for $13. It's a little worn and has an ever so slightly bent guard, but seems like it should be OK. So I used it for today's shave.

Day 2
GEM Damaskeene, PAL carbon blade (1), Speick stick, TGN 22mm Super Silvertip
As I was cleaning up and drying off the blade yesterday, it slipped from my fingers and I watched it clatter on the bathroom floor (no sense in catching a falling razor blade). So, another fresh blade for today. As I loaded the razor, I noticed the top sits a little crooked on the blade. I figured if it's going to be an issue I'll know immediately and just switch back to my regular 1912. However, everything went fine and I got a very close irritation-free shave. I daresay it seemed a little easier than my regular 1912. I think I'll stick with this razor for a while and get to know it a little better.
Being something of a safety razor collector, I've shaved with hundreds of SE's, DE's, injectors, band razors and cartridge razors but I always seemed to go back to a Gem 1912 . . . That is until I tried a Gem Junior Bar lather catcher. For the last couple of years that is the only razor I use. I'm convinced that after they developed this razor around the turn of the last century, any further changes in razor design were simply an attempt to put something new on the market. From the standpoint of the manufactures making money, this proved useful, but from the standpoint of the quality of the shave, these design changes were a waste of time. Load that old razor with a modern stainless steel, Teflon coated blade and you have the ultimate great shave.

For variety, I use several different nice badger brushes and an assortment of soaps and creams. I've tried the various methods of lathering, but I settled on face lathering about the same time as I started using the Gem Junior Bar . . . A great combination of tools and methods.

I've been using my Schick Adj. Injectors all summer long and nothing shaves me smoother in comparison other than a straight razor. It makes it really hard to go back to using a DE.

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