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Here's to Merkur blades, yeah Merkur!


Hear me out before you draw and quarter me with a rusty Merkur blade.:wink:

I shaved for 4 years exclusively with Merkurs. Hey they came with my Futur and were the same brand, so what could be better right? I ordered everything from Classic Shaving and that's all they had. Ok they had Feathers, but they cost a buck more. Nobody else does this old-timey safety razor thing anyway so that must be all there is anyway, right?

Ahhhh....(angelic sound) I found B&B

I learned Merkurs suck.:sad: I bought Derby's, Crystals, 7 O'clock, and what I settled on, Feathers. My shaves got much more consistent, and better.

After all that, I still can't bring myself to bad-mouth Merkur blades. Yeah they aren't the best, and they are over-priced, but I was able to get shaves that kicked M3 in the butt for over four years with them. At $5 for 10 they were still much cheaper than M3s.

So in the end Merkurs may not be very good compared to other blades, but I wouldn't be here without them.

Hear me out before you draw and quarter me with a rusty Merkur blade.:wink:

I shaved for 4 years exclusively with Merkurs. Hey they came with my Futur and were the same brand, so what could be better right? I ordered everything from Classic Shaving and that's all they had. Ok they had Feathers, but they cost a buck more. Nobody else does this old-timey safety razor thing anyway so that must be all there is anyway, right?

Ahhhh....(angelic sound) I found B&B

I learned Merkurs suck.:sad: I bought Derby's, Crystals, 7 O'clock, and what I settled on, Feathers. My shaves got much more consistent, and better.

After all that, I still can't bring myself to bad-mouth Merkur blades. Yeah they aren't the best, and they are over-priced, but I was able to get shaves that kicked M3 in the butt for over four years with them. At $5 for 10 they were still much cheaper than M3s.

So in the end Merkurs may not be very good compared to other blades, but I wouldn't be here without them.

Have you tried the Red Pack Isrealis? IMO, they are much better than Merkur, and pretty cheap. Even Crystals work better for me than Merkurs.
I like merkur blades as well, on my first trip into de they were all that i used, 2nd venture i am now into sample packs to try different blades and had a pack of merkurs which i know i will get on with :smile:
No trouble using Merkur blades here, have a couple of packs in stock.

When I started wet shaving due to the word on these blades I went right to the Derby's which I used pretty exclusively to start. Tried my first Merkur after about eight months of DE shaving and was expecting the worst but to my surprise I found a very decent good shaving blade...for me...YMMV.
After all that, I still can't bring myself to bad-mouth Merkur blades. Yeah they aren't the best, and they are over-priced, but I was able to get shaves that kicked M3 in the butt for over four years with them. At $5 for 10 they were still much cheaper than M3s.

So in the end Merkurs may not be very good compared to other blades, but I wouldn't be here without them.

This was my experience, as well. There was no B&B to consult with when I bought my first Merkur razor. Merkur blades shaved me tolerably well for years before I found this site. I've not bought them since, but then, I'm using an Injector now, so.... :biggrin:
I started out with Merkurs as well, since they came packed with my Futur.
I don't think it is a bad blade for a beginner, I got away with lot more than with the Feathers (at first).

Today I don't like Merkur blades, or maybe I should say, I have found blades that works better for me and because of that I disregard that brand (among others) when buying blades.

And I'll jump on the wagon and use the new acronymn right away; WWFY :biggrin:
I learned Merkurs suck.:sad:

Well, there is a rather loud anti-Merkur lobby :)001_tt2:) here on B&B and they are not my first choice either, which has more to do with their price-tag than with the shave.

For me they beat the Derby's with ease but blades have the highest YMMV factor I guess.

What works for you!!
I feel the same way Matt, I started on merkur blades but I moved on to find derbys are what works best for me. I do have to say that IMO merkur blades do last longer then derbys though.
I've only used Merkur blades in an old model Muhle Pinsel R89 and they work well in that particular razor.I would even go as far to say,they actually tame what is considered to be a very aggressive shaver.:smile:
I can't say for sure, but I think their blades were better a few years ago. About a year ago, I started getting bad blades about every third one in a pack. They would pull and scrape on the first shave. That was about the time I found this place and started experimenting.
Nope. I don't like Merkur blades at all. I have kept going back over time to re-try them, wishfully thinking they will have improved, but alas they are still the same.
I exclusively used Merkur blades for about 2 years. Over the last 6 months or so, I have branched out and tried a few different types, and realized Merkur were just not right for my face. My favorites at the moment are the Gillette 7'oclock yellows, and ASTRA SP. Last night i ran our of ASTRAS and 7oclocks and grabbed for one of my Merkur blades.... terrible idea. Most uncomfortable shave ive had in months. Its a shame.
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