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Help with Valobra Stick

I used the Valobra stick for the first time while traveling this week. My first shave was just before dinner (second shave of the day). My second shave was the next morning. In each case, I was shaving with less than normal beard growth. In all likelihood, the water at my hotel was on the hard side.

I first tried to apply the soap to my mostly dry face, but this did not work so well. I then moistened the stick and the application was better, but nonetheless the lather never exploded as I face lathered with my Simpsons Case 1. I started out with less water than usual in the brush and tried to add water gradually from the tap, so as to have more control over the ratio.

Can anyone offer some advice? Is it normally best to apply this soap to a dry face or to a wet face? Should I have loaded the brush with more water to begin with?


B&B's Man in Italy
Timothy, try this:

1. Wet your face and leave it wet.
2. Wet the top of the stick and start rubbing it all over your face. Wet it again if you feel it to be dry and "sticky".
3. Stop coating your face only when a thin layer of white soap has been created all over the shaving area.
4. Separately mix soap with your moistened brush.
5. Start building lather on face.

Take a good full minute face lathering. You should be able to get a very thick, creamy lather. Please let me know.
Timothy, try this:

1. Wet your face and leave it wet.
2. Wet the top of the stick and start rubbing it all over your face. Wet it again if you feel it to be dry and "sticky".
3. Stop coating your face only when a thin layer of white soap has been created all over the shaving area.
4. Separately mix soap with your moistened brush.
5. Start building lather on face.

Take a good full minute face lathering. You should be able to get a very thick, creamy lather. Please let me know.

+1 Great info by Marco. Here is a video that may be of assistance, also. Good luck. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jehcifTSZEc
I would not try to apply the stick to a dry face. In fact, just the opposite will work well.
As Marco said, when you feel the stick getting dry, add more water to the stick and continue to apply the soap on you face.

Valobra is tied with La Toja as my favorite shave stick.
I used the Valobra stick again today following Marco's advice and the lather was abundant. Many thanks, Marco!
Should Marco's advice not be sufficient, letting the stick soak in hot water while you're in the shower will get you to where you need to be. I assume Valobra is as hard as Palmolive and Speick.
Soaking the tip for about ten minutes before applying to face would also help with most sticks. However, don't do that with Arko, Camelot or GZD sticks (they are already soft).
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