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Help with Trafalgar

I find the scent of Trafalgar, by Truefitt & Hill, to be one of my favorites. Unfortunately, on me, it has no staying power what so ever, two (2) or three (3) hours tops. Considering the range of experience here I would appreciate any suggestions for other colognes I could try, that might mirror the fragrance of Trafalgar.

Thanks for your help.
Have you tried layering with the ASB?

I recently got a sampler pack of all T&H colognes, creams and balms, and loved the 1805. However, I had the same staying power issues you mentioned- using the cologne with the ASB seemed to give it an extra couple of hours IMO.
I haven't smelled anything else like Trafalgar. The notes include cedar, sandalwood, and jasmine, so you could try to find something else with those notes; I think the odds of coming up with something close, though, are slim. I think trying to make the most out of the cologne itself is your best bet. Gizmo's recommendation is worth a shot. You might also try using a shirt to trap the fragrance while it's still wet, thus helping to preserve it (I don't know if staining will be an issue or not - try it first with a shirt you don't care about). Finally, get a second opinion. Trafalgar is a bold scent, and it might be going further than your acclimated nose can tell. See if others who haven't been exposed to it for hours on end feel it has faded as much as you think it has.
Have you tried layering with the ASB?

I recently got a sampler pack of all T&H colognes, creams and balms, and loved the 1805. However, I had the same staying power issues you mentioned- using the cologne with the ASB seemed to give it an extra couple of hours IMO.

I do the same with Trafalgar. I apply the balm a little lower on my neck than usual and rub a little bit of the balm on the inside of my wrists before spraying on the cologne.
On my skin it lasts 12+hours this way, but as always ymmv (particularly on a $42 balm).
Also, to test if your nose is over-acclimatized to the scent, spray some on your wrist/arm when you go to bed at night, then take a whiff in the morning. See if it really is lasting and you just don't sense it. I did that with TOBS Sandalwood because I thought it faded quickly; it didn't - just my nose.
Trafalgar is one of my favourites, and I got all the products from that line. I think the staying power might be a tad longer, but it's ok. I guess the layering of balm, AS and cologne helps.
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