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Help with SAD

Hello to all,
I think I just might be coming down with SAD.


Can anyone help by describing the symptoms.

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Oh that's a mild case. Have a few drinks, take it easy for the next few days, and the symptoms will surely get worse with time!
Looks to me like you think you got DEAD (double edge acquisition disorder). What you need is a little help from DAD (deacquisition disorder). Anyway, it's just a mild case. 11 razors is hardly half trying.
If you're looking for someone to help you slow down or stop your RAD.....There must be another *secret* forum started by B&B SWMBO's out there somewhere!!!! :lol:
There is no cure. You just have to let it run its course. It's like the common cold.

Just do your best to minimize the damage; don't use credit cards, make sure to store away from SWMBO's prying eyes, don't tell your coworkers lest they think you're weird.
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