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Help With Razor ID

Need some help with this one. Looks like a British Rocket, maybe a '48. From what I can see, the head is flat on the bottom - but the third band looks awful skinny for a Rocket. I'm baffled about the case, too - looks like it reads "Rocket" but may be a Canadian case? :huh:
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Thanks both - I'm taking your word for it. Just saw this in an old post about Aristocrat Jrs:

I want to see him too. I´ve never heared from a Aristocrat jr. Made in Canada.

I have one of these as well.

The razor is made in England.
Case made in Canada.
Blades made in the US.

It most definetley says Rocket on the red styrene case.
looks the same as a Super Speed case.

Sounds like this very razor. That's the pic, and the razor's hopefully on its way.
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