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Help with closer shave? I am using gillette super adjustable with a feather on 9

Hi All,

I have 3 de safety razors, I am still looking for a closer shave with less passes if possible, I have tried multiple blades, and currently using a feather set on 9 on my black beauty. Also feather in a merkur bakelite 45, de89bl, etc. The only way I can get a closer shave is with like 5 passes so I am looking for something more aggressive. I have used astras, feathers, sharks, israelis, wilkinsons and a few more. Most of the passes are against the grain or I will need even more passes. I would like to get it down to 2-3 passes max if possible..

I have tried many lathers and soaps and oils as well, no luck.

Thanks for your help
Have you experimented with blade angle at all? Technique is going to affect beard reduction as much if not even more than the set-up will.
The answer is not necessarily a more agressive razor or a sharper blade.

Technique and prep are far more important and than the tools.

I am into this for a little over a year and still improving (even though I thought it could not get better a few months ago).

I suggest sticking to one of your razors and blades and try to improve your efficiency for maybe one or 2 weeks before trying another combination.

When I started out I needed 4 to 5 passes to get the closeness I now get with 2 or 3 with the same (mild) razor and blade.
Never hurts (ok, well...maybe it does) to try the Muhle R41...or maybe a FaTip. As others have stated, blade angle and prep also contribute greatly.

Good Luck!
Maybe a slant? I tried the SE, but just could not get used to the broad head. The slant provided a narrower head w/the rigidity of the SE. Win Win for me. Also watch the blade angle on the slant, it was a little persnickity until I got it down.
You need a Open Comb like a Muhle R41 or a Straight Razor!

2 passes with a Muhle R41 loaded with Astra SPs, or a Feather AC SS loaded with a Professional Blade, or a outright properly honed straight.
If you have that much difficulty either your technique has to improve or like others suggested a R41, a slant like the 37C or 39C might give you better results. There are of course the Feather razors (RG, DX & SS models) with replaceable blades or the Cobra Classic that uses the same blades but I'm afraid that those demand a even better technique then a DE (although the result is extremely good once you got that down)
A fatboy is going to be more aggressive than the SA. I think the slim likely would be as well.

If you're using your SA on 9 all the time, then you might as well try some other aggressive razors. Some suggestions would be any of the Gillette New Improved razors, or even Old types.

I regularly use injectors, DEs, SEs, and straights. I am a mostly straight user, however, and there is no doubt in my mind that it will give you the closest shaves of your life. It also requires many multiples of more time and effort to get there. Its worth it to me, only you can say if its worth it to you.
Using a Facial scrub while taking a shower will help remove extra dirt and oils and will also lift the hairs before you lather. Pull the skin and try using shorter strokes. Shorter strokes won't work for everyone, but it's what I do when I want BBS. As others have said, a more aggressive razor or would probably be a better option for you than the SA. Facial scrub will usually improve my shave no matter what I am using--that's why I suggested it.
+1 on the Muhle R41 if you want to stay with a DE. A straight could be the answer but it'll take some time to get the technique down before the shaves get really good.
The way to get a closer shave is not by jumping to another tool and using it the same way you are now shaving

You should be using your off hand (the one not holding the razor) to stretch your skin. Reach over the top of your head and pull up at your sideburns to stretch that area. Puff air into your cheeks to shave them. Lay your hand flat below your lather on your chest and pull down while shaving your neck and throat, moving your hand around to be under where you are shaving. For your chin you can pull back at your cheeks to get that area tight. Use alum on your finger tips to help you grip your wet/soapy areas.

You do not need to pull your skin tight as a snare drum, just keep it taught

Play around stretching your skin without shaving (while sitting around) to find out where you need to pull to get an area tight so that when you are all lathered up you know what to do. Feel with your other hand as you are stretching so that you can feel when your stubble is pushed/pulled up the most.

When shaving try to use short rapid motions, not long slow ones. You want to cut your beard not mow it down.

Try to lock your wrist and elbow and move the entire arm that is holding the razor from the shoulder. This will help you keep a consistent blade angle as the entire razor will move in one plain since you are not adding several additional movements with your wrist and elbow.

I always do a 4 pass shave. I always end up with a BBS shave regardless of what tool I am using that day.
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