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Help with a gift for me (from my girlfriend)

Hey guys,
I've read the DE Selection guide, and was just hoping to maybe get some more recommendations. I currently use a random $8 safety razor (didn't want to spend too much on my first one) from Amazon with some Omega 46001 shaving cream, and a $12 or so badger hair brush. I actually really enjoy the brush and the cream, but I definitely want a better razor (and accessories if budget allows it). My girlfriend and I put a spending limit of $50 on Christmas, so I can't really go above that. If possible, I'd like to be able to give her a few comparable razor to choose from, so I don't know exactly what I'm getting, and a few other things that would be helpful for shaving, like maybe some shaving soap, creams, etc. I really don't know too much, so I came to you guys for help.
Thanks so much!

Current blades I have:
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The Merkur 1904 is quite nice and inexpensive. Honeybee soaps are great and inexpensive too, the samples are big, so I recommend experimenting. Mikes soaps are also very nice and he sells samples as well. Blades are pretty subjective but I like the Gillette 7 o'clock blacks or blues.
The Merkur 1904 is quite nice and inexpensive. Honeybee soaps are great and inexpensive too, the samples are big, so I recommend experimenting. Mikes soaps are also very nice and he sells samples as well. Blades are pretty subjective but I like the Gillette 7 o'clock blacks or blues.

Thanks for the recommendation on the soaps. I forgot to mention that I already have some blades. I added a picture to the OP. :)
Not a bad set of blades, I liked the Derbys, not as smooth as the Gillettes, but I never had a bad experience with them. I didn't care for the Astras or Personnas.
I say an Edwin Jager 89l and some soap from QCS or Mikes, or a blade sampler may be more what you would be interested in to try different blades. I recommend the EJ 89 highly though.
Good choice on the razor. Soaps are very wide open, no telling what you like in terms of scent or any other idiosyncratic tastes.... but look at TFS soaps, for one. Amazing performance for the bucks.
Let us know which ones you decide on.
Well, I'm not 100% sure. I linked her to the DE89lbl, but she wants to get me a beard trimmer, so we'll see. I told her that I definitely need a new razor more. As for soaps, I told her to pick out three Honeybee soaps that she likes, haha. I thought she might enjoy that.

I went and bought the razor for myself, haha, just in case. :)
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Well, I'm not 100% sure. I linked her to the DE89lbl, but she wants to get me a beard trimmer, so we'll see. I told her that I definitely need a new razor more. As for soaps, I told her to pick out three Honeybee soaps that she likes, haha. I thought she might enjoy that.

I went and bought the razor for myself, haha, just in case. :)
Chances you may not like a beard trimmer are higher. I went through several and am still looking. The Jagger is a solid razor with a good resale value in case you do not like it.
I think she got me some Honeybee soaps. :)
I'll update with pictures once I know, haha.
Thanks again, guys. Definitely appreciated!
My Merkur 25C really compliments the 125 Derby blades that i own. I had a cheap Weishi that made me regret switching from straight razors until i discovered Open Combs, BBS every time now, and it made all my razor bumps go away. oh and no irritation.
I just shaved a 4 day growth with my EJ 89l with a Voskhod blade and 2 passes was smooth shaven. EJ isnt supposed to be a really aggressive razor but mine mows down stubble great.

Here is what she got me. :D

She got me an 89lbl, and three Honeybee soaps. Not pictured, the Peppermint one I already started using. :D
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