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Help w/Cold Lather Shaving

It's got to be a newbie issue. I've tried several variations, hot water on brush, then hot towel for face - hot towel for face, then hot water for brush - a hot water in soap/hot face cloth, etc.... But I can not seem to coordinate a properly prepped razor, face AND especially hot cream/soap from my brush. Every time I lather my brush thinking it will be warm when applied to my beard it's COLD....

AAAAUGH Frustrating....! :cursing:
A large number of us prefer cold water shaving, as can be seen HERE. I gave up on the whole hot towel, hot water stuff over two years ago and couldn't be happier.
I just use cold tap water most of the time. Sometimes in winter months I will use warm water. Cold is the way to go!
Dude, try a Moss style scuttle, that's exactly what it's for, keeps my brush and lather warm for all three passes. Search for Sarah Bonnyman pottery.
I've heard of people who want warm lather (I'm a cold water guy out of necessity) do a couple of things:

- Run warm water in the bowl while hot water towel soaking to warm the bowl up
- Keep warm water in the sink and set the bowl of lather in that water to keep it warm (they probably rinse the razor in the water around the bowl)

Maybe that'll help? Or you could switch to the delights of cold water shaves...
Comrade it is an "eventual habit", meaning you'll get it into a routine soon enough and it will become ritual. Couple of years ago I switched to the all cold shave, and I have only tried a hot shave twice since and well...I did not like it it seemed my face was much more prone to irritation with a hot shave. For me my shave is cold from beginning to end, well hot shower is my only thing lol. Out of the shower and into the cold water treatment, keep my face wet with as cold a water my faucet can produce take out my badger brush from the bowel of cold water it has soaked in and make my lather. Tonight I used Speick shaving cream a really great cream I look to get more as I am running out I use it so often, it creates a fantastic lather and for me it is hard to beat and has a sweet price tag to boot. While making lather I loaded up a Derby blade in my EJ89 3 piece and tossed it into my sink full of cold water (Some times I add ice to it!), by the time I got the cream all set up every thing is cold and ready to go. Tonight I performed a 2 pass shave with a "spot check" touch up for a smooth and comfy baby smooth shave...I am most pleased and happy with my shave tonight and eternally grateful that I got back into safety razor shaving.

So...yes comrade...DO try cold shaving, I promise that you have a great change of conversion over to it! Follow the info provided by the gents in this forum, take your time and enjoy!
A large number of us prefer cold water shaving, as can be seen HERE. I gave up on the whole hot towel, hot water stuff over two years ago and couldn't be happier.

+1. I would have never anticipated that I would become a cold water shaver, but I accepted my destiny a year or so ago and love it.
Cold water shaving is the way to go as the others have stated! Much better shaves!
If you really want to keep your brush warm, then try the World Market Gravy Scuttle or Dirty Bird's Little Bird travelling scuttle which is a brush scuttle, really. Good luck.
I've been having some issues as of late as well. I tried a scuttle, and although I loved the craftsmanship of the piece I did not enjoy using it as part of my shave routine.

So I am planning to try cold shaving and see how it works for me.
My last two shaves have been cold water. 1st with Proraso Green and 2nd with RazoRock S. Maria. So far, I am a believer.

If this continues, a like-new scuttle will be making its way to the B/S/T
I was silly and didn't believe in cold water shaving for a long time. Then my wife asked my why my hands were always so cold when I washed them, "Why don't you use hot water?"

I get really dry hands and dermatitis and I have some contact allergies and problems with certain soaps. Washing my hands with cold water, especially in winter does a ton to keep my hands from drying and cracking until I have to super-glue the skin back together to keep them from bleeding all over.

Then it dawned on me. If hot water and soap were doing such terrible things to my hands, why was I still using it on my face?

I was also having issues with my lather drying out on me too fast. I tried more product, more water, more whipping. But since cold water evaporates a lot slower than hot water, that problem has cleared up too.

I still use a hot pre-shave routine like the shower or hot towels because I feel it softens the beard better, but I splash with cold water before/during/after the shave to keep the skin taught and toughen it up.
My grandfather had always taught me to use cold water when shaving. It took me quite a while to want to get used to it (warm water just feels so good!), but I'm glad I have. Cold water shaves have been much more forgiving than warm/hot water shaves ever were.
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