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Help vote for my brother-in-law (yes, I know this is off-topic)

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Hi everyone! My brother-in-law Ben entered a contest in which he had to come up with a way to spend $5000 in a day. (Of course that's easy for most. The key was to make it stand out over other entries.) Anyway, his entry is one of the three finalists, and the winner of the three is chosen by the public.

PLEASE go to http://www.collegehumor.com/strangerthanfiction/voting and give Ben 5 stars for his entry. (I don't know if it would help him to also give his competitors one star. I did.) Also, pass this on to all of your friends and family so he can get as many votes as possible!



PS- The winner gets the $5000 to do what they said they'd do, while taking pictures to document their day.
Your right it is off topic-and just off!

I went and read about your Brother in laws plans and I am surprised at the lack of sensitivity and crass treatment he plans for two people who happen to be homeless, juvenile at best perhaps even sociopathic-he should be ashamed of himself. :mad:
Goosemeplease said:
Your right it is off topic-and just off!

I went and read about your Brother in laws plans and I am surprised at the lack of sensitivity and crass treatment he plans for two people who happen to be homeless, juvenile at best perhaps even sociopathic-he should be ashamed of himself. :mad:
I'm with Jim here - (IMHO) none of those people deserve any cash...
I agree. Its really shameful to suggest treating people that way. There's a point at which "doing anything for money" crosses the line, and this idea voilates every belief a caring and mature person should have towards treating fellow human beings.
I, unfortunately, disagree with those who have responded so far, and not just because he is my brother-in-law. Read his essay, and look at the other competitors. His is the only one where he is not spending the money on just his own self-gratification. He's giving some people who might not have the opportutunity to have at least one day where they feel wonderful and special. Maybe giving them such treatment can inspire them.

Sure, someone can go out, spend $5000 and just give a day's worth of food to a bunch of homeless people, but how about making them feel human for at least one day? Most homeless people are treated like trash rather than people. His plan is to at least show them that they can be given some dignity and feel as though they are still a part of the society we call the human race.
lgwapnitsky said:
I, unfortunately, disagree with those who have responded so far, and not just because he is my brother-in-law. Read his essay, and look at the other competitors. His is the only one where he is not spending the money on just his own self-gratification. He's giving some people who might not have the opportutunity to have at least one day where they feel wonderful and special. Maybe giving them such treatment can inspire them.

Sure, someone can go out, spend $5000 and just give a day's worth of food to a bunch of homeless people, but how about making them feel human for at least one day? Most homeless people are treated like trash rather than people. His plan is to at least show them that they can be given some dignity and feel as though they are still a part of the society we call the human race.

I cannot agree with you, your statement above is whats wrong with the concept you are promoting- having a 1000.00 suit and a house does not MAKE you human.
I'm not saying that having a suit and money makes you human...What I'm saying is that giving someone, even for a day, the opportunity to feel like they are not just someone that has been tossed aside by society, might make them feel human.

Have you ever donated to a charity? Have you ever seen specifically what has been done with certain donations? Or do you just trust that the right thing is always being done?
Sorry--his idea just seems mean spirited to me--the Rain Man analogy is simply not very flattering, and a tad condescending.

I wouldn't be proud of him, even if he wins. Sounds like your brother in law has some growing up to do. Sorry.
mrob said:
Sorry--his idea just seems mean spirited to me--the Rain Man analogy is simply not very flattering, and a tad condescending.

Wow, I think you completely missed his analogy... he was only using it to help describe the picture... just like he later references Big to help describe the piano scene.

While I think better things could be done with the money, all-in-all I think Ben is attempting to give what he thinks would be a nice experience to less fortunate folks. I can at least appreciate the attempt even if I think I could come up with a better form of the idea.

If I was one of the subjects, I would probably wish something more useful for me would be done with the money, however I certainly wouldn't reject the offer.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I voted for one of the other guys, not because their plan was any great example of virtue, but simply because neither of them begged for my approval.

I think you brother's a complete dick. Guess you guys never saw the episode of MASH where snooty Charles gives the local orphanage a big box of expensive chocolates for Xmas. He goes ballistic when the chocolates show up elsewhere. Ultimately, he is forced to eat crow, when he learns that the extravagance was traded for many pounds of rice, which would sustain the malnourished kids for months.

If he wants to help a homeless person, he has an amount at his disposal that could really turn someone's life around. Offering them a sip of Ch. Latour and then tucking them into their box is two steps away from using them in a minstrel show. Rather than actually help to put someone back on their feet, he's made a decision that you consider humorous.

You'll note that I have'nt asked anyone else here to vote as I did, but if you'd like to see how many people agree with me as opposed to you, just keep it up, and we'll see.
lgwapnitsky said:
Hi everyone! My brother-in-law Ben entered a contest in which he had to come up with a way to spend $5000 in a day. (Of course that's easy for most. The key was to make it stand out over other entries.) Anyway, his entry is one of the three finalists, and the winner of the three is chosen by the public.

PLEASE go to http://www.collegehumor.com/strangerthanfiction/voting and give Ben 5 stars for his entry. (I don't know if it would help him to also give his competitors one star. I did.) Also, pass this on to all of your friends and family so he can get as many votes as possible!



PS- The winner gets the $5000 to do what they said they'd do, while taking pictures to document their day.

First of all - I have moved this thread to the barbershop forum, as it is WILDLY off topic, and I am a little stunned you had the hutzbah to post it in the general forum of a WETSHAVING FORUM when in the title you yourself say "I know this is off topic" hmmm.... "Here's your sign."

Second of all - I find your brother in law's "Double Date" to be quite sarcastic as well, and makes him - and yourself look like quite an ***. This is a gentlemans forum... I encourage all of the gentlemen here to refrain from voting and supporting such immature hogwash. The merits of this article, your opinions, etc will not be discussed any further, as it is such a far cry from the primary topic of this forum, and it is such a grounds for fodder/escalation I will be immediatly locking the thread.

lgwapnitsky - do not bring this topic back to fruition. Period.
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