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Help the Newbie out! Sample packs/razor stands etc

Good morning from Washington, DC!

I was hoping to get some advice from you fine gentleman regarding a nice set up for my new shaving addiction. As of now I just have a Merkur razor and a starter pack I picked up from the AoS. After being on the site for a few days I've seen some very nice set ups and I'd like to have my own! So, on to the question:

Can anyone recommend some accessories and razor starter packs/soaps/brushes? There's so much information on the site it's kind of overwhelming, links and all advice are greatly appreciated! I'll include a picture of my (lacking) but current set up! Thanks all!

P.S.- I wasn't sure if this was the appropriate section of the forum to post this, if not my apologies :001_unsur


  • $photo.JPG
    102.8 KB · Views: 84
PM me your address and I'll PIF you some blades. I'm pretty much exclusive to feather now so I have a nice assortment I may never get to, might as well pass them along...
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