I'm interesting in trying out a new look. I've gone clean-shaven since I first started growing whiskers, but I've decided to try out a swashbuckler, Errol Flynn-style mustache. So far it's coming along nicely, but I'm not quite sure how one would upkeep such a thing--I don't want it growing into a caterpillar-looking mustache.
So how can one keep their stash looking thin and dashing?
I'm interesting in trying out a new look. I've gone clean-shaven since I first started growing whiskers, but I've decided to try out a swashbuckler, Errol Flynn-style mustache. So far it's coming along nicely, but I'm not quite sure how one would upkeep such a thing--I don't want it growing into a caterpillar-looking mustache.
So how can one keep their stash looking thin and dashing?