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Help Me Teach A Class On Shaving!

Gents-- I've offered to teach a class in traditional shaving for the local Adult Education department of the city I live in. Its tentatively going to be three classes of 60-90 minutes, each a week apart. I've put together an outline of what I plan to go over, and I'd like input from the folks here. All comments welcome. Sorry about the formatting, I'm no expert on HTML, multiple indents, etc.

1. Class #1: The Basic Shaving Experience: Using Locally-Available Products
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Who Am I, Why Am I Here?
1.1.2 Who Are You, Why Are You Here?
1.1.3 The Challenge: Finding the set of products that work for you
1.2 Razor
1.2.1 Review Mass Market (Sensor/Mach3/Quattro/Fusion/Disposables)
1.2.2 Fewer Blades = Generally Better Experience
1.3 Brush
1.3.1 Hair types (boar, badger, synthetic)
1.3.2 Importance
1.3.3 Local Availability
1.3.4 Brush Care
1.4 Cream/Soap Available Locally: Proraso, Kiss My Face, Surrey, Williams
1.5 Generating Lather
1.5.1 Soap vs. Cream
1.5.2 Water Ratio
1.5.3 Lathering in mug/in hand/on face
1.6 Brushless Options
1.7 Essential Concepts
1.7.1 It Ain't Called “Wetshaving” for Nothin' Hydrating the face Water Temperature vs. Age of Shaver (hotter water for younger people) Water “Hardness” vs. Lather
1.7.2 “When to Shave” Options After a Shower Morning: More than 20 minutes after rising from bed but before eating Evening: Just before bedtime
1.7.3 Beard Reduction vs. Beard Elimination
1.7.4 The Face As Golf Course Playing For Par (i.e. Don't repeat strokes) The Shaving Stroke: The “Lie” of the Grain, The Follow-Through Flatten, Don't Stretch Skin (& only if necessary)
1.7.5 Shave in phases/passes First pass: with the grain Second Pass: Across the Grain Third/T&C Pass: Against the Grain (If Possible!)
1.8 DEMO SHAVE (Using Proraso or KMF, Boar Brush, Mach3)
1.9 Dealing With Problems
1.9.1 Ingrown Hairs
1.9.2 Razor Burn
1.9.3 Neck/Chin/Mole Navigation
1.10 After the shave
1.10.1 Rinse/Clean Witch Hazel Styptic Alum Block
1.10.2 Aftershaves Alcohol-Free!
1.11.1 Cologne/EDT
1.11 Web Links

2. Class #2: The Enhanced Shaving Experience
2.1 The Safety Razor (AKA “DE”)
2.1.1 Razor Types “Vintage” (Gillette, Schick/PAL, GEM) Adjustable Heavy Duty “Value” (Zorrik, Parker, Weishi)
2.1.2 Razor Blade Choices (i.e. Personna, Merkur, Derby, Feather, etc.)
2.2 The Badger Brush
2.2.1 Badger Grades
2.2.2 Sizes (Handle, Knot)
2.2.3 Selection
2.3 Cream/Soap
2.3.1 High-End Traditional (3T's, AOS, Harris, etc.)
2.3.2 Modern Alternatives (Nancy Boy)
2.3.3 Brushless Alternatives (e.g. Cremo Cream)
2.4 Technique
2.4.1 Lathering w/Badger Brush (“Pumping,” “Pre-charging” a cream with soap)
2.4.2 Shave Angle w/DE
2.4.3 “Slicing” w/DE vs. “Yank & Whack” w/multi-blade razors
2.5 DEMO SHAVE (Using High-End Cream, Badger Brush, DE)
2.6 Aftershaves
2.6.1 Hydrosols
2.7 Web Links
2.7.1 Discussion Boards (shavemyface, badgerandblade, MSN, etc.)
2.7.2 eBay Sellers (reputable and otherwise)

3. Class #3: Advanced Concepts
3.1 Straight Shaving
3.1.1 Razors
3.1.2 Technique
3.1.3 Dr. Moss' Guide/Lynn Abrahm's Video
3.1.4 Web Links
3.2 Method Shaving
3.2.1 Razor
3.2.2 Brush
3.2.3 Cube
3.2.4 Paste
3.2.5 Cutting Balm
3.2.6 Conditioner
3.2.7 Cutting Forms
3.2.8 DEMO “Method” Shave
Wow that's great! The lineup also looks awsome, I'd attend :001_smile
the only thing i do that i didnt see that feels great for me is a nice icey cold splash of water for a final rinse of the face prior to any aftershave app., seems to work nice in helping close the pores and it's refreshing.
Cool! That looks like a very comprehensive list. I would bet that the hardest part will be finding a way to pair down the info into a manageable load.

As a coach, I can attest to the fact that you realistically have your audiences attention for about 20 minutes at a time. Every 15-20 min, you need to have something that GRABS their attention back (fake arterial blood squirts could do the trick).:biggrin:
Kyle said:
Cool! That looks like a very comprehensive list. I would bet that the hardest part will be finding a way to pair down the info into a manageable load.

As a coach, I can attest to the fact that you realistically have your audiences attention for about 20 minutes at a time. Every 15-20 min, you need to have something that GRABS their attention back (fake arterial blood squirts could do the trick).:biggrin:
Whew, I have to agree with Kyle on this one! You've got alot of information here and realistically, I can't imagine how you can cover all of this info in a one hour session. It's just too much albeit very thorough, and it is always easier to cut out info instead of trying to add it. You will definitely have to slim it down a bit.
1) don't cover sensor, mach 3 etc. Just pick 2 as an example and move forward.
2) What is less blades = better shave? Do you mean a DE vs say example the Mach 3?
3) Must you cover both synthetic and boar hair. In my experience they sort of behave the same way, but definitely cover badger.
4) Pick only 1 soap and 1 cream for the lather demonstration
5) lathering in mug vs. hand...once again sort of a similar concept....maybe sort of combine the two into one
6) Is when to shave really so important....older guys would probably want to shave in the morning and younger guys before the go out at night. Just mention how it is a personal preference and to do whatever seems right to them.
7) Are colognes really a part of wet shaving? Seems like icing on the cake type of info. If you have time go for it.

Day 2:
1) Why are you covering aftershaves again?
2) I wouldn't mention any particular ebay sellers. What if a deal goes wrong and people are mad at you because you recommended them. I would just mention something along the lines of referring to the links for places to shop on the SMF board or something to that effect.

Day 3 looks good.

You seem to be hitting them with a lot of stuff on day1. I'm not sure if there is anyway around it, but it looks like you are off to a good start. Best of luck with your endeavor.


Somewhere in that second lecture you might include a bit about the oft-overlooked Schick Injector. I always put in a plug for the Injector as a user-friendly way to get started in traditional wet shaving.

Otherwise, I'd have to say it's a very comprehensive (or is "scary" a better word?) list. You've really summed up extremely well, and I agree with the other gents who posted that the challenge for you will be to able to actually cover all that ground.

Hats off! Please let us know how it goes. Maybe we should all do this as a public service to our communities??!!

-- David
Kyle said:
Cool! That looks like a very comprehensive list. I would bet that the hardest part will be finding a way to pair down the info into a manageable load.

As a coach, I can attest to the fact that you realistically have your audiences attention for about 20 minutes at a time. Every 15-20 min, you need to have something that GRABS their attention back (fake arterial blood squirts could do the trick).:biggrin:

Cool trick Kyle. :biggrin:
isn't that kind of mean...classes a week apart ???

The first day you teach them how to whip and apply lather and then they have to walk around all week with it on ???

Then the next week you let them shave, but not rinse off until the following week when you apply skin food or balm....seems like toture to some nice people...

then again, they may not remember that you were gone that long.....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

ok ok so I'm the only one laughing...

mark tssb
Holy Hot Lathered Cheeks Batman! :eek:

Mantic, with that much info, those people should get a certificate of completion and competancy card to boot. I'd refine that down a little bit and kinda get more around the basics. Maybe like, use a basic product (brush/razor/cream or soap) to start out with. Don't focus on that for week one. Teach em' how to shave and start with a basic cream or soap that they can get at the local Target (ie-Proraso). After you got the basics down, like prep, hydration, shave, etc. then, the following week, I'd get into the finite points such as brush type, manufacturer, razor type, blade type. Then get into the extra finite points like aftershave balm vs. aftershave cream or liquid as well as english creams vs. others..

Keep em' interested from the get-go so they can walk out of there and give it a try. I don't know if budget would permit, but maybe have a few goods for sale. Basic Merkur HD's, Proraso cream, Burma Shave brush..Something relatively inexpensive that provides instant blade time.

just an idea..

Very, very nice idea!

Probably need to tell folks how to deal with nicks/cuts, especially for new DE users. I almost back-tracked to Gillette sensors after my first few tries with a DE beacuase I'd slice the hell out of my face.

I imagine that rather than lecturing at people, you'd want to make it more of a lab experience for them; one learns wet-shaving by doing not reading/listening.

I'd also think that as part of the course pricing, you could charge enough per person to give some samples (creams, razor blades, ASB, etc.) That's the kind of thing that would WOW me and give me something to practice on during the week.

Hell you ought to propose this to your local high school. See if the seniors can get Phys Ed credit for attending!:001_rolle
Gents-- Thanks for your input. While it might seem that there's "a lot of info" (particularly the first class), I intentionally made the outline rather detailed so that y'all could let me know if I forgot something pretty important (like maybe talking more about prep). The four digit numbers (i.e. "" are details of the three digit numbers (i.e. "1.2.3") so it should fly by pretty fast.

The demo shave is pretty up in the air right now, depending on what kind of facility they can find for me. If I can get something like a high school home economics lab, with multiple sinks, I'd like the class to go through the whole shave with me. I'd hate to have everyone trying to lean over one sink at the same time or have everyone parade into a men's room :blush: .

I'm going to ask all the "students" to bring whatever they're using now to the first class. As several here mentioned, I want to hit the essentials about prep, grain, post-shave, etc. on the first class. But I also want to steer them away from cans of goo if I can. To that end I intend to pass out boar brushes, Zorrik plastic DE's, and samples of Nivea for Men Sensitive A/S balm to each "student" (the cost would be borne in their "class fee"). I'm toying with the idea of seeing if Truefitt & Hill and Trumper will "donate" some cream samples.

Everything's up in the air right now, so there's time for changes.

BTW, the proposed title for the class is "What Your Father Didn't Teach You About Shaving" :lol:

Here's a revised outline, with better formatting (I hope):
1. Class #1: The Basic Shaving Experience: Using Locally-Available Products 
     Who Am I, Why Am I Here? 
     Who Are You, Why Are You Here? 
     The Challenge: Finding the set of products that work for you ("YMMV")
     Review Mass Market 
     Blade Count vs. Shave--fact or myth? 
     Hair types 
     Local Availability 
     Brush Care 
   Cream/Soap Available Locally: Proraso, Kiss My Face, Surrey, Williams 
     Performance Differences Between Soaps and Creams
   Generating Lather 
     Soap vs. Cream 
     Water Ratio 
     Lathering Techniques
     Water "Hardness" vs. Lather  
   Brushless Options 
   Essential Concepts 
     It Ain't Called "Wetshaving" for Nothin' 
       Hydrating the face 
       Water Temperature vs. Age of Shaver (hotter water for younger people) 
       "When to Shave" Options 
         After a Shower 
         Morning: More than 20 minutes after rising from bed but before eating 
         Evening: Just before bedtime
       "Insurance": Pre-shaves 
     Beard Reduction vs. Beard Elimination 
     The Face As Golf Course 
       Playing For Par (i.e. Don't repeat strokes) 
       The Shaving Stroke: The "Lie" of the Grain, The Follow-Through 
       Flatten, Don't Stretch Skin (& only if necessary) 
     Shave in phases/passes 
       First pass: with the grain 
       Second Pass: Across the Grain 
       Third/T&C Pass: Against the Grain (If Possible!) 
   DEMO SHAVE (Using Proraso or KMF, Boar Brush, Mach3) 
   Dealing With Problems 
     Ingrown Hairs 
     Razor Burn 
     Neck/Chin/Mole Navigation
     Use Multiple Razors? 
     After the shave 
       Witch Hazel 
       Styptic/Alum Block 
       Aftershave Balms 
         Calm vs. Protect vs. Moisturize 
   Web Links 
     Truefitt & Hill
     Em's Place
     Men's Essentials

2. Class #2: The Enhanced Shaving Experience 
   Q&A on the previous week’s shaves
   The Safety Razor (AKA "DE") 
     Razor Types 
       "Vintage" (Gillette, Schick/PAL, GEM) 
       Heavy Duty 
       "Value" (Zorrik, Parker, Weishi) 
     Razor Blade Choices (i.e. Personna, Merkur, Derby, Feather, etc.) 
   The Badger Brush 
     Badger Grades 
     Sizes (Handle, Knot) 
     High-End Traditional (3T's, AOS, Harris, etc.) 
     Modern Alternatives (Nancy Boy) 
     Brushless Alternatives (e.g. Cremo Cream) 
     Lathering w/Badger Brush ("Pumping,"Pre-charging" a cream with soap) 
     Shave Angle w/DE 
     "Slicing" w/DE vs. "Yank & Whack" w/multi-blade razors 
   DEMO SHAVE (Using High-End Cream, Badger Brush, DE) 
       Where to Apply 
   Web Links 
     Discussion Boards (shavemyface, badgerandblade, MSN, etc.) 

3. Class #3: Advanced Concepts 
   Q&A on the previous week’s shaves
   Straight Shaving: Really Old School! 
     Dr. Moss' Guide/Lynn Abrahm's Video 
     Web Links 
   Method Shaving: Turning Traditional Shaving On Its Ear 
     Cutting Balm 
     Cutting Forms 
     DEMO "Method" Shave
     Web Links
Mark that looks like a very comprehensive syllabus. If I were in your town I would like to attend. Good luck.
Austin said:
Mark that looks like a very comprehensive syllabus. If I were in your town I would like to attend. Good luck.
Shoot, you're only about two hours away; I'll let you "audit" the class. :001_rolle

Kyle said:
It looks as though it will be a fascinating class. Any thought to video taping it?
Hmmmm...interesting idea! I do have a digital video camcorder.... :mellow:

mantic said:
BTW, the proposed title for the class is "What Your Father Didn't Teach You About Shaving" :lol:


Equally effective would be, "What a Feather Can Teach You About Shaving" :lol:

I think your class looks great--extremely well planned and full of valuable information. Just reading the syllabus is a great refresher for any wet shaver--Bravo!

I really like the idea of distributing the samples and plastic DEs--that's a great hook (as mentioned by Kyle) that will keep the students involved and intrigued. The first time they get a whiff of some delicious scented cream, its over--you've got 'em!

You might consider a brief "field trip" to the school's locker room for the demo shave(s)--there are usually multiple sinks and mirrors, and plenty of room to spread out.

Sounds like a great class--have fun!
mrob said:
You might consider a brief "field trip" to the school's locker room for the demo shave(s)--there are usually multiple sinks and mirrors, and plenty of room to spread out.
Ah! GENIOUS! I hadn't thought of that! I had been giving the problem of the "demo" shave considerable thought. I was thinking of getting a bunch of big plastic bowls and filling them with hot water if I couldn't find a place with more than one sink. A locker room would be a great solution...as long as the smell wasn't too bad. :w00t:

mantic said:
Ah! GENIOUS! I hadn't thought of that! I had been giving the problem of the "demo" shave considerable thought. I was thinking of getting a bunch of big plast bowls and filling them with hot water if I couldn't find a place with more than one sink. A locker room would be a great solution...as long as the smell wasn't too bad. :w00t:

Then you give a classs on cologne selection..:lol:
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