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Help Me Install A Programme In Linux Mint

Evening gents. I have recently started mucking about with Linux and lately have been using Linux Mint 15 with the Xfce desktop(correct terminology?). This is a very easy to use distribution and most things are dead simple for a newb. Adding programmes is as easy as opening the software manager and downloading it. Except when it is not. I have been using Serviio in Windows and it works quite well. I wanted to give it a try in Mint since it is multiplatform for IOS, Linux, and Windows. It is not listed in Software Manager or Synaptic so I downloaded the tarball and unpacked it. Now what?

I am really green when it comes to entering commands in any terminal in OS. I managed to downloaded and compile FFmpeg a few days ago but it was the ultimate cheat since some nice chap on the web had a cut and paste tutorial for that venture. I suppose this is easy as can be but I really don't know where to start off. With package managers the dependencies are usually downloaded as well. Serviio recommend the FFmpeg dependency and a few decoders to go with it. Hence my first foray into compiling. Thank you for any help and sorry to be so helpless.

Cheers, Todd
Thanks Brian. It really helps but I have read through the readme and it speaks of a couple of executables but not really how to install them. I am sure it is simple and I will figure it out. I just need a starting boost!

Cheers, Todd
Thanks Brian. It really helps but I have read through the readme and it speaks of a couple of executables but not really how to install them. I am sure it is simple and I will figure it out. I just need a starting boost!

Cheers, Todd

Are you missing some of the dependencies?
Okay guys, here is where you have to think Linux and not Windows. Their wiki was explained further by one of the chaps over at the Mint forums. It says to run the serviio bin file and the serviio console. You don't really install it in Linux. it runs as an executable from the folder you unpacked it in direct. So I just had to click on the serviio.sh and serviio-console.sh in the bin folder. There is a daemon set up online to make it run each time Linux starts but it really looks Greek to me. I will get it sorted sooner or later. I am always amazed at what you can do with Linux.

Cheers, Todd
Okay guys, here is where you have to think Linux and not Windows. Their wiki was explained further by one of the chaps over at the Mint forums. It says to run the serviio bin file and the serviio console. You don't really install it in Linux. it runs as an executable from the folder you unpacked it in direct. So I just had to click on the serviio.sh and serviio-console.sh in the bin folder. There is a daemon set up online to make it run each time Linux starts but it really looks Greek to me. I will get it sorted sooner or later. I am always amazed at what you can do with Linux.

Cheers, Todd

Was that this page? http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=70643
Yes it was Brian. I tried what he suggested and Serviio started. Now if I can just get my multimedia in folder hierarchy to make the PS3 see it properly.

Cheers, Todd
I wish I could help Todd, but the Linux mint forums has helped me with various things in the past so I'm sure someone there can help!
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