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Help Me Decide- Edwin Jagger or Merkur

I currently have a Lord L6 razor that is probably the most expensive razor I bought!! I like to spend some money on a quality razor with good shave, because I have a fast and ruff hair growth so I like something that gives me a closer shave and also want a long handle razor.

Should I go for Edwin Jagger 89BL or Merkur ( which Merkur?? there are so many of them)

which razor do you think gives you the better shave and is the shave any better than the Lord L6, if not then i can just make a heavier handle for the Lord L6

I have the EJ8911 Barley, Merkur 180 HD, Feather Popular, and Merkur Slant. The EJ89 and the Merkur 180 shave identical. I almost feel that those purchases were redundant. From these two I would recommend the EJ, because the chrome plating is better and the head feels better. However, I love the Slant. I find it a great performer that shaves beautifully. If you just want a normal long handle, go with the EJ for sure!
I have the DE89 and love it. Haven't tried a Merkur, but waiting for the 37C or the 39C (I'm undecided as of yet!) to be back in stock at Connaught. I like their prices and service!
I know it's not one of your choices but I would suggest getting a Feather All Stainless Razor. Smooth irritation free shaves and quality combined with great looks.
A tough decision you have to make. I'd go with 34c HD, you can always buy EJ89 later. That classic Merkur 1904(?) is also very beautiful.
You know- you probably will do it eventually- so get both the EJ 89L and Merkur 34c HD. I doubt you will be dissappointed with either one!

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
I would reconmend either the Merkur 23C and/or the 38C (I have both). :thumbsup:



"Merkur; Solingen quality,Time-tested Tradition with Modern Design".
No contest.....

Merkur Progress. Set it on 3 and you have an EJ89 in your hands. Set it on 6 and you have a Lord L6 in your hands. You can dial it up and down from there. This will save you money in the long run as you have one razor that is like many razors :)lol: ....yea save money.... right :lol:)

BESIDES..... you can customize the dickens out of a Progress if you get tired of looking at it instead of feeling you need to buy a different razor

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I have an EJ89 and Merkur 23. They shave the same to me. The EJ is stunning to look at, I like the longer handle of the Merkur better, it fits my hands well.
Don't buy a piece of junk 2 pc merkur razor, or u will be aligning, and realigning The blades every single time u change them. Get the EJ89 and u can't get it misaligned.
You won't go wrong buying either. FWIW and looks aside, I prefer the Merkur 34C to the DE89 as something about it just feels better and it is just maybe a slight bit more aggressive although both are more than capable.
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Buy ém both ... you know you want to.

I have several Merkurs, including the 34G, and also an EJ89L ... and you asked which one shaves better? Its the Merkur 34. Its the classic entry level razor, easy to use and comfortable and virtually fool-proof. It ain't pretty, but it works every time.
Do you guys think that edwin jagger shaves better than lord l6???? I care about the shave more than appearance right now cause im still saving money.

Please let me know
Do you guys think that edwin jagger shaves better than lord l6???? I care about the shave more than appearance right now cause im still saving money.

Please let me know
I've never used a Lord razor, but I don't see too many members raving about it. If I got one in a BST bundle, I'd probably PIF it away. Does that answer your question?

I got the EJ89L about 2 years ago, used it a few times, then delegated it to my locker at work. I've never shaved at work, but I want to have a kit there with me just in case. And when the topic of wet-shaving comes up in conversations with my co-workers, I want to be able to show them what I'm talking about and put something in their hands. Since an EJ costs less than a 34C, I wouldn't feel bad about giving it away if I wanted to get someone started, along with some blade samples and an almost used-up tube of Proraso.

My 34G was the first razor I bought new, after trying a few vintage Gillette Slims. I came to find out I don't like TTO razors, nor adjustables. So I used the 34G exclusively for about a year, while I bought quite a few razors in that time, none of them ever made it into my regular rotation. The next razor that I actually used for shaving was a 39C Sledgehammer Slant.

I have since expanded my DE rotation to 7 razors with 3 extra handles, and the 34G remains part of my active set. I will never get rid of it, because I don't think there is anything out there that can replace it. I only wish I could find a 3-piece with the same specs, so I can play around with interchanging handles on it.
Between the two I would go for the Edwin Jagger Barley or Lined models. I prefer the grip of the barley, personally. I started with a Merkur 34C a couple years ago and it's a great razor and a classic. The Edwin Jagger is also a great razor but aesthetically just a little more elegantly built and refined, whereas the Merkur feels more utilitarian to me. The plating/finish on the Merkur isn't as nice-reminds me of a socket wrench handle. Both razors are very similar in terms of mildness. The EJ is just a little more 'bling' if you would-this will help prevent future "upgrade fever'.

Having said all that-I find myself reaching for my trusty Lord L6 all the time-just as often as my EJ. It's one of my favorite razors. It's the razor I keep hanging in my shower, for mornings when I'm in a hurry. Because they're so cheap-I bought a couple, in case I drop one or strip the soft aluminum handle threads some day. I'm also enjoying my 1940s Super Speed and Tech as well. As you can tell, I like milder razors. This probably didn't help you much. :001_huh:

EDITED Actually I just reread your OP, you may want to go with something more aggressive.
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