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Help Lathering TOBS Harder Creams

What is the trick to lathering TOBS harder creams i.e. the ones that aremore like a wax or a soft soap. I have two (sandalwood and Mr. Taylor) and haveonly been able to get a good lather 1 out of 3 or 4 time. I have no problemswith other creams COB, Kiss my Face or even Shaving shop. But for the life ofme I Can’t get the water cream ratio right unless I star with an almost dry brush and slowly add a small amount ofwater taking almost 5min to get a lather. Any help is appreciated.
Too thick or too watery? I have the Sandalwood and Grapefruit and find the Sandalwood to require more brushing to put out a good lather. If it gets too watery, I dump it and retry.
Here's my process with TOBS:

I soak my brush while I prep my face.
Dump the bowl and shake the brush until there's no "free-falling" water.
swirl the brush in the cream a bit, just enough to saturate the tip of the brush a little.
Start bowl lather with a few swirls and depending on the initial consistancy, I'll add a tiny bit of warm water and continue to bowl lather until I get a lather thatt I like.

*When I add warm water to the beginning lather, it's usually by running warm water over my free hand and then letting a few good drops drip off my hand into the bowl.

Hope I could help.
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With my croap I just use a wet brush, swirl and load for 15-20 seconds, and I'm good to go. Of course that's a boar so it seems to pick up a lot of product. What's your brush?
Tanks with all the good advice and help. After searching pastthreads I decided to try and mix the creams up. The both worked into a softerand more useable cream. Had a greatshave this morning with Mr. Taylor.
Thank again.

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