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Help Identifying a Dovo

Can someone help me identify this razor. $2012-08-11 14.43.15.jpg$2012-08-11 14.43.00.jpg
I apologize if my formatting is off or if this doesn't work. I'm new around here.
It's a modern-vintage Dovo. I think Jarrod of The Superior Shave had some with the same "etching" on the blade a few months back and was calling them a 5/8 full-hollow round-point, if that's any help. No. 140 is written on the shank, by the heel.
Agree with Alum. My Dovo, which I bought from Jarrod has the same markings on the shank, though the etching on the blade is different, as are the scales. Looks to be a modern Dovo, either 5/8 or 6/8 full hollow grind, with maybe lacewood scales, though that is a guess.
I appreciate the feedback. To be more clear, I guess I'm wondering how you differentiate between the different models of Dovos. Several websites have Dovos that range from $80 to over $300. I'm not asking the value of this razor as I understand that's against the rules. I just wonder how do buyers differentiate between models?
I appreciate the feedback. To be more clear, I guess I'm wondering how you differentiate between the different models of Dovos. Several websites have Dovos that range from $80 to over $300. I'm not asking the value of this razor as I understand that's against the rules. I just wonder how do buyers differentiate between models?

My experience is limited, but I think some of the price is derived from the grind and size of the blade, likely more the latter than the former. More steel = more $$$. Also, the kind of steel which is used will make a difference. Scales also play a factor- your plastic or synthetic scales will cost less than your exotic hardwoods, bone, and ivory. That's my take on it.
My experience is limited, but I think some of the price is derived from the grind and size of the blade, likely more the latter than the former. More steel = more $$$. Also, the kind of steel which is used will make a difference. Scales also play a factor- your plastic or synthetic scales will cost less than your exotic hardwoods, bone, and ivory. That's my take on it.
That makes sense, thanks!
That makes sense, thanks!

No problem, but again, my experience is VERY limited. Someone with more experience (which would be just about anyone) will chime in and give you a better answer. I will say there may not be a big difference in the shave quality between an $80 Dovo and a $300 Dovo. Some difference, yes. A $220 difference, probably not.
Most of what you pay for in many of the higher end Dovo is design/cosmetic.

roger that, and it is also true beyond Dovo's borders.

Only time I've known a blade marked "#140" it always had a stained bone handle available in a few colors, and what you've got there is multiwood or possibly micarta for the scale material.

Back when #140 was alive it was comfortably north of $100.

Probably a scale + blade pairing not as supplied by Dovo, but that's just an educated guess. In any case, it looks well put together.
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