Found on 'the bay', and got for a low price ... I found this 3 piece razor. Looking at the ShaveWiki and mr-razor, I think this falls somewhere between 1939 to 1941 date. No serial numbers, only "made in USA" and the Gillette diamond are on the OC head. The cap does not have any markings. See image
image of razor
Mr-razor has this >> image << and the handle looks the same other than the coating and the OC looks a bit different. This Tech >> image << also has the same type handle but not the OC.
I would really appreciate any of your thoughts on this and what material this is made from or what the coating. Is this 3 toned? that includes copper, brass, and bronze? (the seller says that it is all non-magnetic)
I'm asking to know what methods of cleaning to NOT use that could damage. (I have read the forms and wiki and I'm thinking the foil/baking soda/hot water trick would be the place to start but I don't know)
Thank you so much for any comments,
image of razor
Mr-razor has this >> image << and the handle looks the same other than the coating and the OC looks a bit different. This Tech >> image << also has the same type handle but not the OC.
I would really appreciate any of your thoughts on this and what material this is made from or what the coating. Is this 3 toned? that includes copper, brass, and bronze? (the seller says that it is all non-magnetic)
I'm asking to know what methods of cleaning to NOT use that could damage. (I have read the forms and wiki and I'm thinking the foil/baking soda/hot water trick would be the place to start but I don't know)
Thank you so much for any comments,