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Help! Hard Water?

Ok so my GF just moved into a new place about 3 weeks ago or so and its a real nice little place new this and that and close to all the stores and major highways.

That being said I cant get anything to lather with her water, I thought well ok maybe I just need to buy some better creams... so my sampler pack from trumpers came on thursday and I had 2 wonderfull shaves with them at my place thursday nite and last nite before I came over here. This morning I soaked my brush and my razor in scalding hot water while I showered and was hopeing that the trumpers violet which i havent tried yet would lather as gd as the almond and gft did at my place. It didnt, it just turned into a very flat lather like substance that just wouldnt do the job. Def has nothing to do with the cream as it lathers up just fine at my place, nothing lathers here not soap not cream not superlather nothing. Even Ivory soap which usually will lather in a dirty puddle just barely lathers in the shower.

Any Ideas ?
If it's hard water, a little baking soda or table salt should help. Or you could just fill a bottle with tap water from your place, and lather with that.
We have really hard water here, I found that using quite a bit more product works. You could also just buy a couple of gallons of Distilled water and leave it there.
I feel your pain. I still go to my dad to do laundry, and there is so much mineral "gunk" in the water that you can FEEL it drying out your skin as it comes in contact with you. More product is the only way I survive... and even then just barly
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